Who Gives A Crap reimagines A.A. Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh to highlight the impact of deforestation in new campaign via Eleven and TBWA Melbourne

Cheeky toilet paper brand Who Gives A Crap has unveiled ‘Winnie-The-Pooh: The Deforested Edition’ via Eleven and TBWA\Melbourne, a first-of-its-kind reimagining of the iconic children’s book, to highlight the impact of deforestation across the globe.
A. A. Milne’s 1926 classic Winnie-the-Pooh entered the public domain in the United States in 2022 and now with the refreshed release, joins a growing list of books and films that have been controversially updated for the modern world. Who Gives A Crap is, however, the first to update a piece of classic literature to reflect environmental changes.
Selling out in the United States in less than 48 hours and sparking global headlines and debate, Winnie-the-Pooh: The Deforested Edition features the original story by A. A. Milne alongside illustrations reimagined to represent the impact of land cleared every day to make traditional toilet paper.

Where once lush trees stood, home to the many furry friends, they have now been replaced by felled tree stumps. The revision has also been extended to the iconic Hundred Acre Wood map, depicting the widespread impact on all of Winnie-the-Pooh’s friends.
Eleven and TBWA\Melbourne led all global earned creative and strategy, and partnered with sister agency TBWA\Chiat\Day and UK agency Fanclub on the execution of the campaign. LA publisher Paper Chase Press managed printing and distribution of the books that are available exclusively for the US market.

Who Gives A Crap’s head of brand management, Maria Chilewicz emphasises the need for innovative thinking when sharing environmental topics with consumers: “One of the challenges we face is finding ways to connect with people emotionally on issues that, for many, feel far far away. With over 1 million trees destroyed every day to make traditional toilet paper, we knew we needed something special to break through the noise and make a genuine impact.”
Says Harrison Webster and Max Reed, creative directors, TBWA: “For obvious reasons, Pooh was really the only choice. But reworking such a classic came with huge responsibilities, and so it was vital that these books were beautifully crafted, sustainable, and as close to the original as possible. This way, families can still get lost in the whimsical world of A.A. Milne’s Pooh, while taking away this important message.”
Winnie-The-Pooh: The Deforested Edition has been sustainably created with recycled paper, from old notebooks and office supplies, and was only available for purchase in the US via the Who Gives a Crap United States website. All proceeds will go to Who Gives A Crap’s WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) partners to help give everyone in the world access to clean water and sanitation.

TBWA\Chiat\ Day
Paper Chase Press
Clever, and I read about it, so clearly worked!
Front cover is beautiful! How many books were made?
Simple, love it!
Love this concept. Next book, how about diving into environmental concerns and economic impact on Aussie industries, thanks to production in China. P.S. Buy Aussie made.
Amazing! Love this
Nicely work Max and Harry!
Hope to see more of this from TBWA, back to the standard we know and love from them
Who gives a Shit.
Will be interesting to see if other brands jump on poor old Winnie
Lmao at the agency comments above.
This is truly bizarre.
The wokeness is on brand for TBWA Melbourne though I guess.
“hA Ha nOt TrAShinG tHe eNViRonMEnT Is wOKe aMiRiTE?”
Let’s not let a good story get in the way of the truth. Not a single tree is cut down in Australia to make Toilet tissue, not one. Not all Who Give a Craps Paper is from Bamboo fiber, a good part of their is from tree pulp. And let’s not go into all the Diesel required to ship the stuff over here. And let’s not forget to mention how many trees are actually planted each day in sustainable plantations drawing carbon from the atmosphere.
Mate Kimberly Clarke in Millicent has a huge plantation of tress they use in the Ottaways. You’re off the mark.
…to highlight the effects of deforestation a toilet paper company printed a book. Smart.
Tell me you didn’t read the article without telling me you didn’t read the article
A lovely attention grabbing idea that goes to the heart of Who Gives A Crap’s differentiating proposition. As advertising should be.
And so another generation of children are frightened. This is just awful.
How many books were actually made? Are they printing any more?
someone is raising awareness about this. What is this, the 80s? Also, makes me think I’m wiping with these pages.
Poor Pooh.
Great proactive ad. Im sure it shifted the ROI in a big way.
And will probably win.
And of course it’s fiction: https://www.goodgoodgood.co/articles/the-world-has-more-trees-than-it-did-35-years-ago
Here’s a book now where’s my award? Is the new Here’s a dead dog now where’s my award?