The Work 2024 Contenders: kwpx / kwpx&partners

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Campaign Brief recognises and showcases the great work that is being produced in the region with The Work 2024 Contenders. Here is kwpx / kwpx&partners’ Top 3…

WA Police Union: Cop Enough
The ‘Cop Enough’ campaign is a reminder that WA Police are subject to a work-life that most of us would be horrified to experience ourselves, and that the State Government’s complacency regarding pay and conditions is a slap in the face to people who already take enough hits in the line of duty and asks the public “How much will they cop before they stop?”

The film elements, directed by Matt Pitcher at Inhale Content, feature a police officer getting repeatedly slapped. Pitcher said: “When Bryan and Dav briefed me on the idea, we discussed a few different ways we could execute it with VFX, but ultimately we decided the most authenticity and greatest impact would come from doing it for real. The 90-second single-take film gave us the space to let the performance carry the message with no effects, which makes it incredibly compelling and confronting to watch. The boys at Cue Sound also opted for a purist approach and only really enhanced the slaps that were captured on the day.

The Work 2024 Contenders: kwpx / kwpx&partners

Tourism NT: Vivid Sydney Highjack
The Northern Territory is a big place. But our marketing budget is a lot smaller than other state tourism destinations. So we have to be smarter with how we show up. And sometimes we just have to be cheeky. Like this year when we hijacked Vivid Sydney, the world’s largest festival of light, music and ideas.

“Different is in our DNA and when there’s something we desire but can’t necessarily get, we have to explore different approaches. Vivid Sydney attracted the audience we wanted – high value experience seekers. Our goal was simply to hijack their attention” said kwpx ECD, Corey Swaffer

During the month-long event, held annually in the Harbour City, we drew attention to the Northern Territory’s version of what’s vivid, “real vivid”, with our own tactical ambient projections near Vivid Sydney installations.

Yes, it was cheeky. But it was all in good fun. And, it captured the attention of the 3.4 million visitors who attended Vivid Sydney. Letting them know that in the NT, we do vivid naturally.

“We can’t outspend our competitors, but we can outwit them”, said kwpx Darwin Director, Tristan Glover

The Work 2024 Contenders: kwpx / kwpx&partners

Uniting WA: Under Paper
The cost-of-living crisis combined with the housing shortage have created the perfect storm for people living on the edge of homelessness. Most concerning is the fact that women over the age of 45 are the fastest growing category of people sleeping rough. So Uniting WA asked us to create a press ad raising awareness of this societal failure – and to put gentle pressure on the responsible government departments. In context, the full-page ad looked like a woman sleeping under the very newspaper the audience was reading.


The deadline for Campaign Brief’s The Work 2024 is Monday May 13. Entries are FREE with only an acceptance fee charged for those that make the cut. See full details and enter here… If your company has entered The Work and would like to showcase your Top 3, email