The Work 2024 Contenders: Bastion

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Campaign Brief recognises and showcases the great work that is being produced in the region with The Work 2024 Contenders. Here is Bastion’s Top 3…

Budget Direct: Dwayne Bennett
Budget Direct were sponsoring the new NRL team, the Dolphins. But being new, the Dolphins had to build a fan base, despite many tipping them to finish last in their first season. In a major coup, they maned to secure legendary Supercoach, Wayne Bennett. But given he isn’t known for his love of the media or his sense of humour, we needed to find a way to engage and entertain footy fans and build love for the Budget Direct brand.

We created his long, long lost cousin – Dwayne Bennett. A Phin-atical Dolphins fan whose offbeat humour and season long stream of 376 pieces of social comedy content generated over 17 million views and helped the Dolphins achieve the 4th largest membership base of all NRL teams, in just their first season.

SIXT: Rental Relief
Australia was experiencing the worst housing crisis in our history. Social media was filled with people sharing their eye-watering increases and the power imbalance between landlords and tenants had never been higher. Rental availability was sitting around 1% and increases by landlords were commonplace with stories of up to 70% rent rises circling in the media. SIXT, one of Australia’s largest car and truck rental companies was well placed to help those with no option but to move.

Introducing SIXT Rental Relief. A personalised, dynamic discount that saw the cost of moving truck and van rentals decrease by the same percentage the customer’s rent has increased. For example, if a customer had a 29% per cent home rental increase, they’ll save 29% per cent on their moving truck or van rental. If their increase was 50% – they could receive 50% off a moving truck or van. The bigger the increase, the bigger the discount, so Aussies doing it tough could tell their landlord to TRUCK OFF.

The Work 2024 Contenders: Bastion

Much-loved Australian brand endota embarked on a significant step-change with the launch of a new platform, supporting endota’s growth from a spa business to a leader in wellbeing.

Through the lens of three accomplished photographers – shooting with no wardrobe, no hair and makeup, only natural lighting, and no retouching – the endota campaign shows what beautiful truly looks like and brings into focus the brand’s holistic wellbeing offering.

A rare opportunity and photographic collaboration offering absolute creative freedom. The brief prioritised immersion in the brand philosophy of wellness, inside and out. The trappings and encumbrances of a traditional shoot were removed. Instead of directing every detail, we handed over creative control to our photographers, challenging them to execute their vision of raw beauty.

The result was true to endota’s organic brand essence; unfiltered, unpolished and uncorrected images that continue to endure beyond the scope of a single campaign.



The deadline for Campaign Brief’s The Work 2024 has now closed. If your company entered The Work and would like to showcase your work in our Contenders series please email