The Work 2023 Contenders: The Works

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Campaign Brief recognises and showcases the great work that is being produced in the region with The Work 2023 Contenders…

The Work 2023 Contenders: The Works

Qantas: Whoever Your Destination
The Works
Throughout the year we all travel to go somewhere, however during Christmas time and the holidays we travel to someone special.

Five:am Organic Dairy: The great Cowcapade
The Works
We created an unlikely brand ambassador in a jealousy-fuelled cow who lives on a traditional dairy farm next door. ‘Stevie Mooqueen’ and her mates embark on a ‘great escape’ inspired mission called The Great Cowscapade to finally break out of their horrid living conditions and get over to the organic side of the fence – the Five:am farm. Along the way pointing out all the benefits of organic farming and how it ultimately makes happier cows and tastier yogurt.

The Work 2023 Contenders: The Works

The Smith Family: Raise Your Hand
The Works
The Smith Family set out to change the perception that they’re merely a clothing bin charity organisation, and instead show how they help provide educational support for children in need across Australia.


The final deadline for Campaign Brief’s The Work 2023 is Monday May 15. Entries are FREE with only an acceptance fee charged for those that make the cut. See full details and enter here… If your agency has entered The Work and would like to showcase your best work in our Contenders series email