The Work 2023 Contenders: Publicis Worldwide
Campaign Brief recognises and showcases the great work that is being produced in the region with The Work 2023 Contenders…

Queensland Government: Lag Kills
Publicis Worldwide
‘Lag Kills’ is a world-first gaming challenge to five of Australia’s most influential gamers and Australia’s biggest esports and gaming team @ChiefsESC. The gamers needed to play their favourite games with 300ms ping – the same delay (300 milliseconds) that results from driving under the influence of alcohol. This resulted in slower reaction times while playing games like Minecraft, League of Legends and Call of Duty – and resulted in repeated ‘game overs’ or deaths.
Subway: SubDog
Publicis Worldwide
We created an April Fools Day social post spruiking a fanciful product called the SubDog that got Facebook fans like Dave Thompson riled up. So we did what any good brand would do: we made it happen. And we did it across Australia and New Zealand within 5 months. SubDog sold out before the campaign even finished. It was the biggest LTO and NPD in Subway’s history in this market.
The deadline for Campaign Brief’s The Work 2023 has now closed. If your agency has entered The Work and would like to showcase your best work in our Contenders series email