The Work 2022 Contenders: Jim Jam Ideas

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Campaign Brief recognises and showcases the great work that is being produced in the region with The Work 2022 Contenders…

Blue Bet: Aussies Love a Multi – Inventions
Jim Jam Ideas
This integrated campaign, was rolled out on national TV, radio, social and online with the aim of re-launching what is quickly becoming a great Aussie brand.

Blue Bet: Aussies Love a Multi – Same Game Multi
Jim Jam Ideas
The campaign extended to promote Same Game Multi bets touching on the truth that ‘Us Aussies just love a multi’ – TV, online, social, radio.

The Work 2022 Contenders: Jim Jam Ideas

Forbes Shire Council: Place Brand – Boy
Jim Jam Ideas
JimJam has also been working with Forbes Shire Council creating their place brand campaign. We won the account in a competitive tender that went out to over 20 agencies in February 2021.
After tackling Covid, mice plagues and the worst floods in the region’s history we finally managed to get the campaign off the ground. The campaign story, told through the eyes of a small city boy moving to the country, touched on that tree change dream many young families now desire. The campaign was rolled out in regional TV, online, outdoor plus we created brochures and the new website.

Eurobodalla Shire Council: Mother Nature
Jim Jam Ideas
After a devastating drought, the most damaging fires in Australia’s history and finally Covid-19, Eurobodalla has sprung back stronger and more stunningly beautiful than ever. The aim now is to share this news and reestablish the region as one of the most naturally diverse destinations with offerings all year round.

The first launch of the ‘All Kinds of Natural’ campaign saw extraordinary results considering the tumultuous times. During the 2020/21 summer period, the shire’s total visitor spending of $132 million (270m tot), nearly doubled the previous year of $72million.

Council’s manager of tourism and events Tim Booth said it bode well for local businesses: “We’re also seeing strong growth with accommodation bookings through March and April, so we are looking forward to seeing this data in the coming months.”

In fact, the results were so good, Eurobodalla Shire Council has just launched the second iteration of the ‘All Kinds Of Natural’ campaign via JimJam Ideas.

The campaign (consisting of 60 launch, 30’s & 15’s video seeded via social channels: FB, Insta and YouTube) uses the subtle voice of mother nature to invite the audience to come back outside and immerse in the many winter experiences Eurobodalla has to offer. We wanted to remind Australia that Eurobodalla is not only open for business but has replenished and reinvigorated itself beyond all expectations and against all odds.


The deadline for Campaign Brief’s The Work 2022 is Thursday April 14. Entries are FREE with only an acceptance fee charged for those that make the cut. See full details and enter here… If your agency has entered The Work and would like to showcase your best work in our Contenders series email