The Work 2021 Contenders: Leo Burnett Australia

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Campaign Brief recognises and showcases the great work that is being produced in the region with The Work 2021 Contenders…

The Work 2021 Contenders: Leo Burnett Australia

Bonds: Unplugged
Leo Burnett Australia
For Aussie female teens, tampons are the go-to period product. To launch the new Bonds Bloody Comfy Period Undies – a natural, more liberating way to period – we needed to reach them in a way they’d want to listen. We created Bonds Unplugged: The world’s first acoustic album about periods, written entirely by artists on their period. We assembled six chart-topping artists that Aussie teens look up to and got them to write an acoustic-style song on their period, while wearing Bonds Bloody Comfy Period Undies. We then recorded the songs live and unplugged and released them as an album across major streaming sites, and as live performances across multiple social platforms. The undies sold their absolute pants off. But most importantly, through the power of music, we instilled period pride in teen girls and introduced them to a better, comfier, new way to period.


The Work 2021 Contenders: Leo Burnett Australia

Bonds: Out Now
Leo Burnett Australia
For LGBTQIA+ youth, coming out can still be difficult. Knowing you feel seen and supported can make all the difference. To launch Bonds’ first ever Pride range, we partnered with queer youth charity Minus18 and transformed the everyday fashion phrase, ‘out now’, into a powerful mechanism of pride and support. Through a vibrant set of posters, Bonds OUT NOW featured 55 everyday Aussies from the queer community proudly sharing how long they’d been ‘out now’ for, as a way to help queer youth feel supported to live out and proud. Out in the world, we shared the images in store fronts and shopping centres, and outdoors as striking street posters. And out there online, the cast shared their coming out stories to help inspire the younger generation. During Mardi Gras, we also launched the OUT NOW Exhibition: a repurposed retail store where our portraits were proudly displayed, and where queer revellers from across the world joined in to have their portraits taken. Through Bonds OUT NOW, we turned the fashion space into an inclusive, supportive space for queer youth.


The Work 2021 Contenders: Leo Burnett Australia

Oporto: Eat Your Words
Leo Burnett Australia
People think they can say what they want online with no consequences. So, when Oporto (Australia’s favourite chicken chain) launched their new Vegan Burger, we knew haters were gonna hate. But, we were ready for them. Knowing that we could change their mind, we invited those haters for a “tasting”. Unaware that we were about to serve them their own comments laser engraved on our vegan burger.
We filmed their positive reactions and reposted them online turning haters into our spokespeople. We monitored for hateful social comments on our channels and served back to haters a digital burger with their words on it, accompanied with a voucher to try it for free.


The Work 2021 Contenders: Leo Burnett Australia

Minderoo Foundation: Walk Free
Leo Burnett Australia
Modern slavery is happening all around us. Yet the problem gets lost among all the other media we consume. How can we get people to pay attention to modern slavery if they’re distracted by the YouTube rabbit hole? So to make modern slavery a visible issue, Walk Free hijacked the content that was vying for people’s attention the most. We concealed the problem within YouTube and made sure it would stay visible there.



The final entry deadline for Campaign Brief’s The Work 2021 is Monday May 17. Entries are FREE with only an acceptance fee charged for those that make the cut. See full details and enter here… If your agency has entered The Work and would like to showcase your best work in our Contenders series email