Telstra thanks women who have helped business progress in latest campaign via The Monkeys
To celebrate 25 years of the Telstra Business Women’s Awards, Telstra has unveiled a film via The Monkeys, part of Accenture Interactive, thanking those who have broken down barriers for women in business and made it easier for other women to progress.
The film depicts the speech of an award winner, but instead of just thanking those closest to her, she also thanks all of the women who have helped her get to where she is today.
Directed by Kyra Bartley at Finch, the film will run on TV, in-cinema and online along with supporting press and out-of-home advertising.
Says Genelle Sharples, principal, media, sponsorship and awards, Telstra: “Every step towards equality, no matter how big or small, adds up. To mark 25 years of the awards, we wanted to recognise those who are helping to bring equality closer.”
Says Stuart Alexander, creative director, The Monkeys: “Over the 25 years the awards have been running, some amazing women have changed the way we do business. It felt right to thank them for the brilliant work they’ve done.”
Nominations for the 2020 Telstra Business Women’s Awards are now open at
Client: Telstra
Marketing Executive & Chief Brand Officer: Jeremy Nicholas
Principal, Media, Sponsorship & Awards at Telstra: Genelle Sharples
Group Manager, Telstra Business Awards: Rebecca Tearle
Senior Marketing Manager, Telstra Business Awards: Karinne Limberiou
Media Senior Specialist: Robert Aoukar
Agency: The Monkeys, part of Accenture Interactive
Group CCO & Co-Founder: Scott Nowell
Executive Creative Director: Vince Lagana
Creative Director: Stuart Alexander & Dan Fryer
Copywriter: Pierce Thomson
Art Director: Maria Torres
Business Strategy Director: Hugh Munro
Senior Planner: Charlotte Marshall
Content Director: Jen Johnson
Content Manager: Ruth Peck
Producer: Sally Lankshear
Production Company: FINCH
Director: Kyra Bartley
Executive Producer: Loren Bradley
Producer: Bryce Lintern
DOP: Campbell Brown
Post Production: ATTICUS
Editor: Matt Bennett
Colourist: Alina Bermingham
Sound Design: Simon Kane
Casting Director: Stevie Ray CGA

Am I suppos ed to know who the lady is?
Not a smart arse question ,genuinely curious.
I think it’s kinda the point that you don’t recognise her … like many other great female leaders in business out there doing their best to be recognised.
Well done Telstra/Monkeys. Simple but effective.
So this is an ad from Telstra thanking themselves for their own work? And this is one of the winners??? I don’t know. I’m confused. And bored.
These awards are important but this says nothing real. Just Telstra patting themselves on the back.