PURE MAMA empowers women to have real + raw conversations in new campaign via Crave Global

PURE MAMA empowers women to have real + raw conversations in new campaign via Crave Global

Leading pregnancy skincare brand PURE MAMA has partnered with Trans-Tasman creative agency Crave Global to launch into Australia with a campaign that is sure to turn heads. PURE MAMA is on a mission to empower women to have real and raw conversations during their pregnancy journey.


Rolling out across Out of Home, Trams, digital, social, influencers and PR, the campaign has already garnered controversy for its billboards that reveal unspoken truths about pregnancy experiences and include the words “vagina” and “boobs” along with an image of a pregnant woman in her underwear.

Following a series of conversations with key industry bodies, the work got the green light to go to market as planned. The team is excited to launch the pregnancy paradox campaign and start the conversation with Australian mothers.

Says Hadleigh Averill, executive creative director at Crave Global: “Having listened to hundreds of mothers, it became clear that for most women, pregnancy was a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs and one not openly talked about in mainstream society.

“By exploring pregnancy paradoxes we were able to create a conversational platform that shed light on the bold juxtaposition between what pregnancy can look like in contrast to how it can feel.

PURE MAMA empowers women to have real + raw conversations in new campaign via Crave Global

“We learnt that there are many pregnant women who are excited about their pregnancy on one hand, yet a little nervous on the other about giving birth. Some even being paralysed with fear at the mere thought of it.

“Women who feel beautiful and unattractive, full of life yet dying from nausea or strong yet insecure, all of which can be exhausting and lonely if not discussed openly.

“We discovered that most women feel a pressure to show this utopian idea of pregnancy, when in reality, they may be feeling something very different.

“Our strategy was to start a conversation through outdoor and digital executions that highlighted the dichotomy of pregnancy and use social media to expand the conversation using polls and insights from real mums, to really explore those taboo subjects.

“In the same way that PURE MAMA facilitates moments for self-care and reflection, our aim was to normalise all pregnancy matters, in a bid to help women feel heard, understood and supported through their pregnancy journey.

“This even extended to discussions about women’s body parts and what happens to them during pregnancy. After all, it is 2023!”

The brand recently launched online at MECCA with a product range that includes their sell-out belly oil, a category first Magnesium body rub, popular nipple butter, bump scrub and a range of highly sought after gift sets.

In developing the range, Lara Christie, PURE MAMA founder and CEO talked to more than 2,000 mamas about their experiences with pregnancy. These insights were not only pivotal to product development but of huge importance when developing the brand strategy and creative with Crave Global.

Daniel Hopkirk, Crave Global’s managing director said it was a joy to work with Christie and the team at PURE MAMA from the inception of the strategy through to building a base for the brand positioning. The creative idea centering on the pregnancy paradox grew from there.

Says Hopkirk: “We’re all about working with purpose led brands to create movements that drive an unfair share of voice.

“We knew PURE MAMA had a strong and passionate following and we wanted to use this as a force for good, to shift the paradigm and move beyond simply product.”

Says Christie: “The campaign really resonated with the PURE MAMA team.

“What I realised as a self-care brand, which supports women during their pregnancy, is that we had an obligation to be honest. To be unafraid to speak the truth in a very real and raw way.

“All too often, the physical and emotional toll that pregnancy takes is buried under a sea of cute Insta baby scan pics, announcement posts, timeline growth pics and curated baby showers. As a mama of two, I’m very aware that pregnancy isn’t always smooth sailing.

“As a business run by women who have been through pregnancy, we also understand it at a very deep and personal level. Crave Global helped us to really focus on those insights and create a campaign that would connect with women and spur on conversations about the more daunting aspects of pregnancy.”

Hopkirk believes this new campaign will empower women by acknowledging the adversity that pregnancy can cause: “By facilitating these conversations, we want to draw awareness to the pregnancy contradictions and make women feel less alone.

“Women may not love every minute of their pregnancy and we understand that creating the next generation isn’t easy, but it’s always worth it.”

PURE MAMA empowers women to have real + raw conversations in new campaign via Crave Global PURE MAMA empowers women to have real + raw conversations in new campaign via Crave Global

Client – PURE MAMA
Founder & CEO – Lara Christie
Agency – Crave Global
Executive Creative Director – Hadleigh Averill
Managing Director – Daniel Hopkirk
Group Account Director – Georgina Otto
Strategy Director – Lucinda Sherbourne
Copywriter – Verity Dookia
Copywriter – Tammy Keegan
Copywriter – Skye Ross
Art Director – Solène Constant
Art Director – Jacob Howard
Design Director – Brogen Averill
Senior Designer – Angelo Wells
Photographer – Chris Sisarich