Ogilvy Australia encourages LinkedIn community to wear a mask with #OurNewJob initiative

Ogilvy Australia encourages LinkedIn community to wear a mask with #OurNewJob initiative

Ogilvy Australia has utilised LinkedIn to launch a new initiative called #OurNewJob to normalise wearing a mask in public.


#OurNewJob came out of the Ogilvy executive creative director, Gavin McLeod, catching public transport on his way into the office and feeling like a bit of an idiot as he was the only one wearing a mask.

Says a spokesperson from Ogilvy: “The truth is that we all feel self-conscious wearing a mask as it’s not a natural behaviour for many Australians. But, the science shows that wearing masks in public where social distancing is difficult can make a big difference in arresting the spread of COVID19.

“So, we decided to do something about it by heroing mask wearing in the place where everyone goes out of their way to portray themselves in a professional manner – LinkedIn.”

The Ogilvy team came up with a clever hack, whereby updating your current job description to Mask Wearer automatically notifies your LinkedIn network so that everyone sees the important message about wearing a mask. By replacing your profile pic with one of yourself wearing a mask, the agency hopes it will start to normalise mask wearing.

Ogilvy is asking the LinkedIn community to show their support for #OurNewJob by changing their profile pic, updating their job description to help spread the word and wearing a mask when they need to.

For details on how to get involved, visit https://www.ogilvy.com.au/ournewjob