Netflix launches Good Guy Goatee/Bad Bro Barber Shop in new promo for The Grey Man via Special

To promote its latest spy thriller and current #1 movie on the service in Australia, The Gray Man, Netflix is launching the Good Guy Goatee/Bad Bro Mo Barber Shop, a creative concept by Special Australia for Netflix ANZ, alongside production partners Scoundrel with media amplification through Wavemaker.
The Gray Man sees ‘good guy’ Sierra Six (Ryan Gosling) face off with ‘bad guy’ Lloyd Hansen (Chris Evans) in a non-stop battle of strength, intelligence, wit, and – most importantly – killer facial hair.
As Chris Evans’s legendary Mo’s starring role clearly shows, not all facial hair is created equal. To give fans the chance to get some The Gray Man inspired face-fuzz of their own, the Good Guy Goatee/Bad Bro Mo Barber Shop will launch in Fitzroy, Melbourne, for this weekend only (29-31 July).
The Good Guy Goatee/Bad Bro Mo Barber Shop lets visitors choose a side; Good Guy Goatees or Bad Bro Mos? They will then step into the barber’s chair for the ultimate shave to cop either the rugged stubble goatee of good guy Ryan Gosling or the iconic trash ‘stache of bad guy Chris Evans.
Barbershop patrons will need to keep their wits about them though, as they’ll be transported into the action-packed world of The Gray Man (and not just through their beard trim) with some unexpected surprises and stunts in store.
No facial hair? No worries! You can still get in on the action in the barber’s chair with one of our ‘stunt’ goatees and ‘staches.
The Good Guy Goatee/Bad Bro Mo Barber Shop is exclusive to Melbourne and free for a limited time only, so choose a side, and have a The Gray Man-style close shave.

WHEN: Friday 29 July: 12:00pm – 7:00pm
Saturday 30 July: 12:00pm – 7:00pm
Sunday 31 July: 10:00am – 5:30pm
WHERE: 306-308 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, Melbourne
WHO CAN ATTEND: Open to all patrons*
NOTE: Walk-ins welcome, with bookings available via
The Gray Man is streaming now on Netflix.
Follow the conversation #TheGrayMan on Instagram, Twitter & Facebook @NetflixANZ
Agency Special Australia
CCOs: Tom Martin & Julian Schreiber
Creative Directors: Adam Ferrie & Peter Cvetkovski
General Manager: Lily Waters
Business Directors: Priya Addams Williams, Meri Stewart
Business Manager: Benjamin Deville
Head of Strategy: Bec Stambanis
Strategist: Jack Gilbert
Head of Production: Sevda Cemo
Integrated Producer: Glen McLeod
Digital Producer: James Simmons
Social Lead: Sarah McKie
Designers: Maggie Webster, Bella Plush
Production Company: Scoundrel
Director: James Dive
Cinematographer: Nicolas Podesta
Executive Producer: Adrian Shapiro
Producer: Matt Roberts
Editor: Nicolas Podesta
Sound Studio: Rumble
Photographer: Carmen Zammit
Media Company: Wavemaker
PR Agency: Pulse
Social Agency: Snack Drawer
Netflix AU/NZ
Tony Broderick, Director of Marketing
Lisa Kappel, Brand & Title Marketing Manager
Melanie Mahoney, Head of Editorial & Publishing
Daphne Ng, Marketing Creative Producer
Nathan Burman, PR Director
this is so great
This feels like the very first thought you would have from that brief. Like the very first. Oh well branded barbershop it is then
But without the insight
Most creatives would beg for a brief like this. Missed opp.
The best thing about this movie was the facial hair so it’s the perfect thing to promote. And it looks phenomenal.
We’ll that certainly makes me not want to watch it…
Special stink at this sort of work. Best stick to the Uber eats template while the budgets still there
Not knowing anything about the movie, this doesn’t exactly help…
What the heck to does facial hair have to do with anything? Isn’t the very point of an activation meant to y’know, like, explain the thing.
It’s like they tried to slap a naive ‘good/evil’ idea on to the first thing that came to mind. Moustaches aren’t funny anymore guys it’s not 2007
Pure fun for the punter. Refreshing in an industry that takes itself so seriously. Nice one guys.
Ah I was waiting for the age-old ‘PuNtErS wILL LoVe iT’.
But punters won’t love it because no one understands how moustaches link to a film they haven’t seen yet. Unless it’s a film purely about facial hair, which it is not.
Netflix is surely an easy sell as a product. All this does is make pedestrians confused and say ‘I think it was an advertising thing for beard-oil or something’ as they walk on past and forget about it 20 seconds later.