Naked, DDB Sydney and M&C Saatchi Sydney short-listed in Cannes Industry Craft Lions category

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Naked, DDB Sydney and M&C Saatchi Sydney short-listed in Cannes Industry Craft Lions category

Cannes Lions has released the shortlist for Industry Craft Lions and Australia has picked up three finalists in the category out of a total of 181 finalists.


Naked Sydney, DDB Sydney and M&C Saatchi Sydney all have one finalist apiece.

Australian Finalists:
Naked Sydney, RMIT University, Sans Forgetica via Bantam and Orchard
DDB Sydney, Foxtel, Grave of Thrones via Revolver/Will O’Rourke, Mango and Photoplay
M&C Saatchi Sydney, John Boston, Brewed in Honor of Legends