LIA announces 2024 jury presidents

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LIA announces 2024 jury presidents LIA announces 2024 jury presidents LIA announces 2024 jury presidents LIA announces 2024 jury presidents

London International Awards (LIA), now in its 39th year has announced the 2024 jury presidents. LIA is bringing the top industry people to Las Vegas to chair their jury panels from 29th September through 7th October 2024.


The integrity of every jury under their respective Jury Presidents will set the creative benchmark for 2024, as well as, elevate the quality of the work for the industry at-large.

Says Barbara Levy, President of LIA: “What the LIA jurors do in the judging rooms is serious business. That’s why we spend weeks choosing our Jury Presidents. You just have to look at the list to see the diverse talent among our Presidents.  Each of them highly respected by their peers, talented creative people who have and will continue to drive the industry to greater heights. Mediocrity is not in their vocabulary or portfolio. They know great storytelling; they can tell the difference between persuasion and pure hype. The result: the best body of work from 2024 that will re-energize and inspire the industry.”

Adds Terry Savage, chairperson, LIA: “Leadership of any jury is critical to the outcome. LIA prides itself in having great Jury Presidents, who understand not just the work but also the cultural nuances associated with any Global Award Show.”

Approximately 200 jury members, from around the globe, will convene in Las Vegas to be part of the judging process. All rounds of judging are done onsite at the Encore @ Wynn Hotel. Every juror is required to see every piece of work in their respective Category. These panels decide on the Gold, Silver and Bronze Statue Winners, as well as, the Finalists. Each panel has the discretion to award a Grand LIA.

As there is no off-site pre-judging, all judges are fully involved from the beginning to the end, so everyone is privy to the final results before they are published.

2024 LIA Jury Presidents:

Ambient & Activation | Billboard | Poster | Print
Till Diestel
Chief Creative Officer
Serviceplan Germany, Munich

Audio & Radio
Laura Rapela
Executive Creative Director
GUT Buenos Aires

Branded Content and Branded Entertainment
Juan Woodbury
North America Creative & Entertainment Lead
Ogilvy, New York

Creative Strategy and Transformative Business Impact
Suzanne Powers
Powers Creativity, New York

Creativity In B2B
Joji Jacob
Regional Chief Creative Officer SEA & NA

Creativity In PR
Della Sweetman
Chief Business Development Officer Executive Lead, Creative, Strategy and Planning
FleishmanHillard Global, New York

Design and Package Design
Oskar Lübeck
Chief Creative Officer
Bold, Stockholm

Digital and Use of Social Media & Influencers
Malcolm Poynton
Global Chief Creative Officer

Evolution and Creative Use of Data
Yasu Sasaki
Global Chief Creative Officer
Dentsu Group Inc.

Health & Wellness
Susan Perlbachs
Chief Creative Officer

Health & Wellness-Craft and Pharma & Medical-Craft
Jonathan Isaacs
Global Chief Creative Officer
TBWA\Health Collective 

Integration and Direct
Susan Credle
Chair of FCB
Creative Advisor to IPG

Music & Sound
Carol Dunn
Executive Producer
Human, Santa Monica

Nadja Lossgott
Chief Creative Officer
AMV BBDO, London

Pharma & Medical
Tom Richards
Chief Creative Officer

Production & Post-Production and Music Video
Charlotte Lepot
Executive Producer

TV & Cinema and Online Film
Marco Venturelli
Chief Creative Officer – Publicis France
CEO / CCO – Publicis Conseil, Paris

LIA is just one of five global shows that is included in the WARC Creativity 100 rankings.

To see the full list of jury members, and for more information go to