Howatson+White co-founder and CCO Ant White departs agency start-up after eight months
August 11 2021, 3:02 pm | | 68 Comments

Howatson+White co-founder and chief creative officer Ant White has departed the agency eight months after the launch. At this time no reason has been given for White’s departure and why the agency’s website has been removed.
White, who was the former chief creative officer of CHE Proximity, formed the agency officially in early March with Chris Howatson, who was previously chief executive officer at CHE Proximity.
The agency has offices in Sydney and Melbourne, with a client roster that includes Allianz Australia, Telstra company Belong and Maurice Blackburn.
A representative told CB the agency has no comment at this time, due to legal reasons. The agency’s website has been removed.
One source told CB that the website has been registered this week.
Just to see if this thing’s on…
Mr Howatson told trade publication AdNews in March the pair named the agency after themselves in a deliberate move to make it harder to sell the business.
Australia needs more people with the balls to break out and put their names above a door. Presume many commenting here aren’t that brave, so maybe sit down, shut up and just wish everyone the very best.
And your name is…
…to see the case study on this one
It was fun while it lasted
who wants to pitch for Belong round 2???
All the best.
*Eating popcorn*
Whatever the reason for this it’s a great shame. It was exciting and inspirational to see a brand new player start up in our industry, some solid clients and a grand vision.
A vision that couldn’t last 8 months out the gate? A shame for those caught in the cross fire of whatever is going on.
It’s a shame to see the pair split. They had a great dynamic for the industry; Howie being incredibly business minded and innovative whilst Ant was always able to craft fresh creative with ease. Hopefully the team aren’t taking the news too hard.
This is 100% a stunt. There’s no reasonable explanation for why they’d have to take down the website and all socials – it takes two seconds to change the logo and the name if really necessary and no one expects them to do it overnight. And surely there would otherwise by SOME kind of comment from the business – even if very neutral and diplomatic. It’s all just a bit TOO drama to be legit in my opinion.
No doubt they’ll be launching something new in the next few days – a new venture or branch of the business. You read it here first, folks.
If I was a creative with the surname ‘White’ I’d be on the phone to Chris this second.
Our industry needs start ups by young, talented and driven people like Ant and Howie.Though disappointed I sincerely hope Howie perseveres and that Ant finds what he’s looking for.
Agree with Agree. Howie’s shaped an agency that every agency in the country wanted to copy and know their model and how they operated, wish both of them the best. It’ll be good to have another agency in the country challenging the status quo.
Would be great if we had more people starting the new model agency and breaking out from the holding companies they’re all tied to and do something of their own, looking forward to seeing what Howie’s agency delivers. Break the mold again !
There you go. And the logo is really easy to update.
Haven’t they grown to 50 people, across 2 offices in Sydney and Melbourne with 5+ clients in 6 ish months? That’s super impressive growth in no time at all, good luck Howie, I wish my name was White too @Barry
Hope everyone is in good health and the reason for this is business only. They would not come to this lightly.
Really sad to hear of this news. This was a great and exciting move for our industry. I hope they both are ok, no doubt this would be a difficult time for them both. Hopefully our community puts our arms around them and supports them both in whatever there future ventures are.
Two legends taking a punt. We should support them, however it shakes out. 99.9% wouldn’t have the mustard to do the same.
Big news here is, H+W Chief strategist Catherine King has also left the business after only a short stint. Something amiss within perhaps.
Their Associate digital director too.
Sad to hear. I’ve always admired their bravery and will continue to do so. Not an easy time in the world and priorities change for many reasons. Like an earlier commenter said, just hope they and the team are all ok. Good luck to all involved. Keep holding your heads high.
surely the campaign comments aren’t this naive? Something is afoot beyond creative differences.
Can already feel the measurable impact from this one.
The astroturfing on this article is some of the most transparent and constant I’ve seen. There’s at least 8 that say the exact same thing with different words. Let’s hear from reality.
Something very odd going on here. Very saddening, really. I hope the employees are ok. Those stuck in this have walked into it unwittingly.
Surely the advertising world sees the spin?
Most of the commenters are saying 2 things. Hoping the people involved are okay. Hoping this agency can course correct. Nothing wrong with that.
We need more strong indi agencies in this market. Not fewer.
Think of all the people who left Chep to blindly follow their leaders to pursue the grand design. Then try not to laugh.
Based on Linkedin, it seems most of the hires were actually from Thinkerbell.
sure, support them if they’re having business differences. however. it seems pretty clear that something bigger has happened.
Maybe he’s had enough of Fortress Australia’s Hermit Nation philosophy, and the lockdown-happy approach that sees their VIC and NSW offices basically perpetually working from home where creativity suffers? Not everybody is into that, you know. Maybe he’s itching to get back to the bigger world where there’s other things than Covid numbers and insular thinking? Not like it’d be hard for him to go somewhere else for work.
Just spitballing. Let’s circle back and close the loop via Zoom later on.
I thought people in advertising were supposed to be media savvy.
People on here, clearly, want to know one thing: was there some enormous internal shit fight between the founders that blew things up? If someone can help clarify that, I think it will draw a line under this story.
Think the article from the Fin Review this week cleared this one up…
The commenting here is mega suss. The writing doesn’t feel like the usual jaded, aggrieved and emotional creatives we’ve come to know on Campaign Brief. It’s a tad more spin doctory.
I’m not sure Howatson+White can be considered an ‘underdog’. Started by 2 people in the prime of their career? After helping out CHEP in the global map??
Agreed – read between the lines. Put your strategic thinking caps on.
Their website, LinkedIn page and Instagram are all down.
Is this actually the end?
We live in a cynical world. A cynical world. And we work in a business of tough competitors. I love you. You… complete me
Business, any business, is hard.
To make money via your wits, creativity and commercial savvy alone is perhaps the hardest of any business…especially right now, at the mercy of this damn world-shrinking, possibility-shrinking microbe.
I don’t know Ant or Chris, I’ve never met them.
But I do know that any new agency – built by people with the guts to back themselves – should be celebrated, not torn down.
I hope for the best. For them. For us.
Be nice people.
The company is still alive and well and has changed to Howatson & Co.
It’s a sad day in our industry when an outpouring of empathy is seen as suspicious.
Wishing all involved the best of luck. It can’t be any easy situation to be in. We all were, and hopefully still are, routing for you and the chance of more strong independent success stories in our industry.
You mean the hermit nation philosophy that is putting peoples lives ahead of all else. Yeah terrible. I wish we had the all deaths like those other countries.
Something big went down and at some point, someone has to front up and tell the world what happened. All this secrecy, LinkedIn pages out, website down etc protects no one. Lack of transparency perpetuates the problem. Leadership, please.
This is exactly like when Taylor Swift deleted all her socials and then released a new album.
A new venture with Ant’s name all over it will be announced soon guaranteed.
…Quaking in boots at the level of fake news displayed here.
From the AFR: “It is understood the agency will now be known as Howatson + Company, with the agency launching a new Instagram account overnight after Howatson + White’s online presence, including the website, was removed following inquiries by The Australian Financial Review.”
I love reading ad agency fan fiction, pls keep the comments going *eats popcorn*
Some comments not making it. So much for freedom of speech
Maybe this one will make the cut. Use your noggins people – simple differences don’t result in someone stepping away from the agency they’ve put their name on. For those thinking this is a PR play, you have lost your mind.
Great guys. Probably averaged twenty two odd awards a year at CHEP.
Will keep on pumping through long after this little blimp.
Onya guys, hold your heads high. Can’t wait to see the next chapters.
Maybe the reason many of the comments here are similar is that that those writing them share the same sentiment.
This is not the hard arsed industry that many here would like it to be.I have quite a successful small agency that was teetering on the edge some years ago.The support and advice I received at that time from several people (some competitors) in Sydney was amazingly generous.
I don’t know these guys,but I wish them well.
Do you really think someone leaves an agency like this with no comment and legal action and everything is kosher?
It isn’t a hard arsed industry but suss is suss.
late to the party here. the afr says he doesn’t have a job to go to – he doesn’t need to. every leader worth their salt would be courting him right now. he’d be the first name on more than a few lists out there.
it’s just a matter of time before he makes an appearance again.
Something fishy going on
is there
The domain name HOWATSON.COM.AU was registered by Chris Howatson two days ago under the company name HOWATSON WHITE PTY LTD. I think that answers it.
Howatson +White are not a publicly listed company.The principals are not public figures.Apart from explaining the circumstances of their parting to their staff and clients,which I am sure they have done,it is not incumbent on them to enlighten anyone else.
Least of all a small, but vocal ,and always mean spirited group of contributors to CB.
These guys do not owe any of you an explanation.
I wish them well.
Coming soon
more comments before
You are very much mistaken. The principals are very much public figures when they choose to be. Like it or not, they are industry leaders. This is what senior exec’s careers are based on. To pick and choose when you get attention is not part of the game. You’re in or you’re out.
Filling up at an alarming rate
Big news, indeed…
This thing is still on….
Chris and Ant are both great guys – always at the top of their game. They were awesome as a team, and still both have immense talent apart. They will continue to do well because they are good people with great ability. I wish them both well in the next stage of their formidable career paths.