Hahn extends its ‘How Good’ platform with newly launched brand work via Thinkerbell
Hahn continues to build its association with social sport in new brand work developed in partnership with Thinkerbell.
As a continuation of Hahn’s ‘How Good’ platform, this work explores the idea that when you’re in good company and there’s beer involved there’s no such thing as losing, only degrees of winning.
Says Sammy Russo, Hahn marketing manager at Lion Australia: “Hahn is great tasting and low in carbs so bringing that ‘can’t lose’ attitude into our film narrative made a lot of sense. Hahn brings social sport and beer closer together and highlights that regardless of the outcome on the green, when there’s a Hahn at the end of it, everyone’s a winner!”
Says Paul Swann, chief creative tinker, Thinkerbell: “The end of a round of golf is the perfect opportunity to enjoy some banter over a beer. The spot nods to the new generation of golfers, brought to life through a vibrant visual treatment.”
The new work set to Sam & Dave’s iconic ‘Hold On, I’m Comin’ was directed by Revolver’s Leilani Croucher.
The work will roll out across TV, cinema, online video and will be supported by OOH and social.

Client: Lion
Creative, Earned: Thinkerbell
Media Agency: UM
Production Company: Revolver
Director: Leilani Croucher
Post Production: The Editors, Otis Studios
The ad doesn’t make sense without the PR press release.
I dont get it? Why wont she give him his beer?
“…and highlights that regardless of the outcome on the green, when there’s a Hahn at the end of it, everyone’s a winner!”
“regardless of the outcome”? He get’s a hole in one. It’s not showing someone screw up the hole and get rewarded anyway, so how would anyone know this?
“there a Hahn at the end?” We don’t see one person actually drink a beer in the ad. There’s no consumption moment.
Score a hole in one and you too could get teased with a beer.
Am I missing something? He gets a hole in one. Girl wont let him drink beer.
not sure whats worse…the iron covers or this ad?
Nothing makes me think of social sport more than an awkward round of golf with my half impressed girlfriend at a totally relatable waterfront golf course in Sydney
Is How Good really a campaign idea? Because this ad bears no resemblance whatsoever to the ‘fun run’ spot.
This commercial makes zero sense.
This whole campaign is so confusing and makes no sense. First the fun run spot and now this golf one…legit I may be just a bit late to the party but this whole thing makes absolutely no sense.
I don’t understand the OOH headline. Why is he celebrating his girlfriend? And can we still use language like ‘birdie’ these days?
I hope they debate this on gruen
This looks like the movie TOYS
Was this shot on a greenscreen?
I’m not sure if you’re joking or not, but birdie is a golf term for a score that’s 1 shot under par.
Not gonna talk about the ad because it’s even worse than his swing. However there are a few things we can work on there. Really need to work on getting the weight through onto the left side to avoid that chunky hook.
Also absolutely ditch the iron covers… number 1 way to tell this way written by a nuffie with no clue about golf.
This is quite cool, in every other beer ad the guy would get the beer, I like how he doesn’t, it’s way more unexpected. I also like the look, super fresh and distinctive, nothing else like it out there.
Aside from the ad not making any sense…
Did anyone else notice that the direction (and hence side) of the golf cart the woman is in completely changes halfway through the ad? The cart is facing towards the hole, then sudden it’s facing away, all while the ball was in flight, so they can get the “Hahn cooler” logo shot.
Just bizarre choices.
Because at the start she’s on the fairway, and at the end she’s next to the green… Of all the things to nitpick about this ad this was not it
Did I just watch a whole campaign try to use the equivalent to the ‘got ya nose’ party trick?
Starting the week off with a plonker guys.
The Scott Morrison of lagers.
Best comment
Generic platform you could slap on any brand and acting worse than a Sandler film. Would be a bit embarrassed having this on here to be picked apart…
Yeah, I was joking. In much the same way as anyone who thinks is even close to good must be.
“The end of a round of golf is the perfect opportunity to enjoy some banter over a beer. The spot nods to the new generation of golfers, brought to life through a vibrant visual treatment.”
The new generation of golfers are a metro twink go around the course with his girlfriend who doesn’t play golf and nicks his beer? Really nailed it guys…
This is some of Thinkerbell’s best work yet.
Swing and a big miss.
Sorry but the Gen-Z Nickelodeon-style storyboarding of such a lame gag doesn’t save this idea
This is horrible on so many levels – bad brief and bad execution.
Not sure who they think the Hahn consumer is.
Not sure what world Thinkerbell and the marketing team live in, but this ad is sexist (woman looking pretty while he plays golf) and offensive to everyone not living in Palm Beach (out of touch with the cost-of-living crises we are in at the moment).
you sure are. The female is literally and figuratively in the drivers seat this whole spot.
This is “consumer psychology” manifest.
One of the worst scripts yet this year.
And the shoehorned Tyler the creator styling is trying way too hard to be cool (it isn’t). Shooting the moodboard isn’t good directing, just like corny slapstick gags isn’t good writing.
If this was real I’d advise him to get rid of this woman. Clapping in a sarcastic manner and then driving off when he reaches for a drink off the cart and her hand. Let’s set women back by showing us as a bunch of bitches. I’d never do that to my husband.