Furphy beer truck installed in Sydney’s CBD for Furphy Crisp Lager launch via Thinkerbell
An unbelievable installation of a very stuck beer truck in a Sydney CBD laneway has been unveiled by Furphy to celebrate the launch of new Furphy Crisp Lager, brought to life via Thinkerbell.
The Furphy truck, which is wedged upright on Little Hunter Street, has garnered significant social media attention since it appeared on Wednesday morning.
Says Malcolm Eadie, portfolio director for craft and premium beer at Lion: “Furphy is all about unbelievable storytelling and the ‘what the truck’ installation is a fitting way to get people talking about Furphy Crisp Lager.”
Furphy and Thinkerbell worked with installation artist, James Dive, and Scoundrel Projects to bring to life the impossible Crisp Truck set-up.
Says Sesh Moodley, head creative tinker, Thinkerbell: “The activation has been able to ignite both digital and analog pub chat, with onlookers sharing their disbelief. It’s a genuine ‘what the truck?’ moment.”
Adds Dive: “We wanted the onlookers to find a truck that was not only blocking their way, but also in a genuine predicament.”
The ‘What the Truck’ activation is supported with OOH, radio, social and digital activity and will roll into a BWS retail promotion giving away a six pack of beer live from Monday.
Always enjoy Furphy responsibly.
Client: Lion
Idea: Thinkerbell
Social: Akcelo
Production Partner: Scoundrel Projects
Photography: Toby Burrows

Classic! This is truckin’ funny.
Nice bit of fun. Well done.
I saw this yesterday and was wondering how you wedged it in.
Am I having an acid flash back?
An ad just for people who hang out on Campaign Brief
Inspired by the car that fell off a stacker and has been wedged stuck for months in a Melbourne apartment block car park? Busted.
Hmmm this is giving me serious deja vu. Already done about 20 years ago by James Angus. Google James Angus Mack Truck 🤔
A Furphy
beer truck crash
Someone watched Exit Through the Gift Shop.
Truck?! Ha ha SO good, guys!!! Keep truckin’
Just find something big and put it somewhere unexpected!!!
Turning heads is easy, turning heads for a reason or with an idea that has relevance for your brand or product is not.
Relevance? In the product name. I don’t work for Tinkerbell (please return my emails) but I wish I did. No overthought drivel that tries to do everything and doesn’t turn heads. This is a cracker.
“Please return my calls”
It’s so clear you work there.
It’s a Furphy Einstein
Nothing any of you have ever worked on was important or relevant, but at least some of you can hide your obvious jealousy.
Now thats a furphy, makes sense
He parks like my brother.
Only good if the betoota talk about it
Ha ha ha. What the truck? Ha ha ha.
Killer!! Nice to see a bit of public art blur with brands. Reminds me of the sick ass days of Glue.
Have no idea what it means, or what the idea is, nor does it make me want a beer. But it looks great. Is that enough? What am I missing?
Google the meaning of ‘furphy’
Of course I have to jump the shark. It’s a furphy.
Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
Can someone explain the idea to me in a sentence? Or the insight?
Why is it there? Is there a furphy behind how it got there? Is this the teaser for a new campaign? I don’t get it.
Yas! Bring back the installations. Nice one tinker-bell and scoundrel.
Thinkerbell – the agency that will literally PR any and everything. Genuinely surprised we don’t get a rolling update on Adam’s daily lunch choices.
Fuck only just saw this today I had dumplings from Krystal they were bloody good
Don’t get it. What’s the idea?
It’s a furphy.. stunt,
Chicken schnitzel sandwich…
Doesn’t ‘furphy’ suggest a fib that has some purpose or intent. It’s a tall story designed to impress or something. I don’t see how this is s furphy as such. What’s the purpose behind the lie. The barman talking about the football, for example, was trying to impress the drinkers. Maybe I’m wrong..
Pretty sure it’s just a visual stunt (or Furphy) put and left there for days to get media and social buzz for their new beer. And get ppl guessing what it is and why it’s there. Which it seems to have done…
Sure, #whatthetruck has really blown up on my social feeds this past week. Oh wait…
Oh cool, a truck wedged in an alleyway. I simply must choose this new Furphy beer I still know nothing about over other beers. Thanks Shrinkedgebell.
Had a few too many beers on his delivery route by the looks of it.
It needs a powerful in situ line to seal the deal.
As graffiti maybe?
Otherwise it’s anti-climactic.
The idea is unfinished.
Australian artists James Angus did this “stunt” 20 years ago with a Mack truck at AGNSW . Is it possible there are no original ideas left in the world anymore?