Former Hardhat ECDs Chris Hince and Andy Segal launch the ‘DisOrder of Australia’ campaign to pay tribute to Australia’s activists


As debate heats up again around January 26, freelance creatives Chris Hince and Andy Segal, ex-Hardhat ECDs, wanted to spark some fresh conversations, and show why protest really matters to our people and the planet.


While the Governor General will celebrate and award the Order of Australia, Hince and Segal have launched a new award, The DisOrder of Australia, to pay tribute to those who fought for change in ‘23.

Says Segal: “Over the years, we’ve seen the rise and need for protest across our country. There are just so many issues where there is inequality and government inaction, that we wanted to acknowledge the passionate activists who aren’t afraid to fight the good fight. At the same time, we hope to inspire others to join.”

Says Hince: “We approached production companies and activist groups to lend a hand, and they all said yes immediately. It was nice, because yes is a word we didn’t hear enough of in ’23.”

Former Hardhat ECDs Chris Hince and Andy Segal launch the ‘DisOrder of Australia’ campaign to pay tribute to Australia’s activists Former Hardhat ECDs Chris Hince and Andy Segal launch the ‘DisOrder of Australia’ campaign to pay tribute to Australia’s activists Former Hardhat ECDs Chris Hince and Andy Segal launch the ‘DisOrder of Australia’ campaign to pay tribute to Australia’s activists

The launch spot features climate activists Charlotte Gallace and Diana Bolandparvaz from School Strikes 4 Climate, and Freja Leonard from Friends of Earth.

This year, an award will be given to an individual and a group or organisation.

Former Hardhat ECDs Chris Hince and Andy Segal launch the ‘DisOrder of Australia’ campaign to pay tribute to Australia’s activists

Says Segal (above left): “That’s not to say there should only be two winners. Next year, our aim is to give out more awards across different categories.”

Says Hince (above right): “The Order of Australia is given to people who do great work, and we’re not taking away from that. This is the award for those who stand up to the establishment and say enough is enough.”

Former Hardhat ECDs Chris Hince and Andy Segal launch the ‘DisOrder of Australia’ campaign to pay tribute to Australia’s activists

The awards have been uniquely handcrafted by Waterside Metal Art.

This year the three judges for the awards are Freja Leonard from Friends of the Earth, prominent social activist from Extinction Rebellion Brad Homewood and leading senior advocacy campaigner Adam Valvasori.

Find out more about the Disorder of Australia at, and follow @disorderofaustralia on Instagram.

Founders and Creative: Hince and Segal
Production Company: Guilty
Executive Producer: Jason Byrne
Director: Yianni Rowlands
Photographer: Tom Franks
Sound: Craig Conway, Final Sound