Clemenger BBDO Melbourne CEO Nick Garrett to depart; Gayle While promoted to CEO of Clemenger BBDO Melbourne; ex VMLY&R Sydney CEO Peter Bosilkovski to join Clemenger BBDO Sydney as CEO

After four years in the role Clemenger BBDO Melbourne CEO Nick Garrett is leaving the agency to pursue other interests. As a result Gayle While will step up from her current role as Deputy CEO to become CEO of Clemenger BBDO Melbourne while former VMLY&R Sydney CEO Peter Bosilkovski will join Clemenger BBDO Sydney as CEO.
While (pictured above) will be part of the Melbourne management team of Executive Chairman James McGrath, Deputy CEO Simon Lamplough and Stephen de Wolf as Chief Creative Officer. Bosilkovski (above right), who departed the CEO role at VMLY&R Sydney in May, will work alongside the Sydney management team of Managing Director, Emily Perrett, Chief Strategy Officer, Lilian Sor and Chief Creative Officer, Ben Coulson.
Says Clemenger Group Executive Chairman, Robert Morgan: “We are excited to have Gayle take the role in Melbourne where she has been doing such a brilliant job for the last 3 years. And it’s also fantastic to have Peter come on board in Sydney. He’s someone we’ve wanted to have join us for some time and it’s great he’s now doing so in Sydney.
“At the same time, I’d like to thank Nick Garrett for his contribution to our agencies in both New Zealand and Australia over nearly 10 years. We wish him well in the next phase of his career. Nick will be making an announcement about his next move shortly.”
Says Garrett (above left), who transferred to Clemenger BBDO Melbourne from Colenso BBDO Auckland in 2015: “I have been sprinting for 22 years and it’s a moment for rest and recharge. I have made life-long friends while working across Colenso and Clemenger BBDO and I am deeply proud of the work we have made together. There is awesome work in the pipeline and superb people to drive it and the business forward. I know they will be brilliant.”
Adds Morgan: “With James McGrath, Gayle While, Simon Lamplough, and Stephen de Wolf in Melbourne and Peter Bosilkovski, Emily Perrett, Lilian Sor and Ben Coulson in Sydney, along with the CHE Proximity team, we have the best Agency leadership in Australia.
“We are very fortunate to have the depth and breadth of expertise in our leadership teams in Melbourne and Sydney and across our agency brands. Under the outstanding leadership of Chris Howatson, they are transforming our capabilities to be at the forefront of change and to reflect the needs of our clients in this new era of advertising.”
‘Pursue other interests’ – ouch!
This final season of Game of Thrones really is shit.
It needs more than just a shuffle of existing leadership to ‘fix’ things. If anything it’s only going to make it worse.
Nick brought Clems back to its best… the work, effectiveness, winning. Nick’s focus on the work is bar none. He helps raise the industry’s game, not just the agency he is at. A true champion of creativity as proven at Colenso and when Clems won 2017 Canne Creative Agency. Can’t wait to see what he’s up to next …
Neither rhyme nor reason
Good luck Nick, you have played a blinder mate. Enjoy the next chapter and whatever it is I hope it’ll be fun. Cheers bud.
Game of Clones
Congrats Wolfie and Wifey. May your reign be long and prosper.
Clemenger BBDO Brisbane made a load of redundancies today as well.
I’m confused Robert – So who’s in charge?
They couldn’t keep up with him. Seriously sharp operator, all the best Nick.
Well, Clemenger just got demonstrably worse, and that staff turnover rate that is such an issue? If you thought it was bad before just wait until what it spikes to under this new regime.
Massive loss for Clems. I don’t think most people realise just how much of an impact Nick has on an agencies output. Having worked with him in the past, he’s an absolute force of nature and an agency could only get weaker with him departing.
I don’t care what anyone outside Clems has to say about this. As someone on the inside, I can confirm that this absolutely sucks ass.
A rare thing in this industry, a CEO who not only understands and values the importance of creativity, but actually makes the work better. Probably worth noting that literally the only metal that Clems picked up in France this year were not from the creative department, but from a pet project of his. Imagine that probably put some (not prizes for guessing whose) noses out of joint.
One of the most inspiring leaders I have ever worked for. Not looking forward to what working at Clems is going to look like without him.
No inside knowledge on this situation but I do know this, Nick Garrett is one of the best and most inspiring folks this industry has to offer. His record is second to none and whatever he does next, I am sure it’ll be as much of a success as the last decade has been for him.
We’ll send the life rafts Clemenger Sydney. Get out whilst you can!
You will not find a CEO that is more passionate for making great work. This is perfect pairing. Congrats Boz.
Hats off to Nick Garrett. Behind so much great work over the years.
Well, let’s see how things go from here shall we? Anyone ever wonder how the NAB clients are all the most lovely people and yet there has been a 800% turnover rate at the top of that account over the last 2 years? Well, apply that to the entire agency.
The most satisfying thing I’ll ever read.
I think it is underestimated how much Nick Garrett held this place together through sheer force of will. The implosion that I fear is coming over the next year or so is not going to be pretty.
This is nuts.
I’ve met few who champion creative work as much as Nick.
I guess this move is telling the market Clem’s focus is no longer the work, the work, the work.
Maybe they should focus on the people, the people, the people?
Nick lead Colenso to world’s number one agency, and then Clems – off the back of some the industries most revolutionary work. With Black Pencils following him as he went. No one works harder to put the work first. Well done Nick, you’re a true creative leader. I can’t wait to see what your next move is. This will be good.
This is probably the only time I can say ‘I’ll be interested to see what he does next’ and actually mean it. It’s going to be really interesting to see what is next for a man that has dominated AU & NZ advertising for over a decade. If he were to start his own thing, the sort of talent that he could rally to his side would be amazing. All the best Nick.
No inside knowledge on this situation but I do know this, Nick Garrett is one of the best and most inspiring folks I have ever met in this industry. His record is second to none and whatever he does next, I am sure it’ll be as much of a success as the last decade has been for him.
That’s a real loss for Clems. Nick lead a resurgence that was a pleasure to watch. And was better for everyone. Real shame.
Had the pleasure of working for Nick across Auckland and Melbourne. Hands down the most talented and inspiring person I have ever worked for and any agency , by default, becomes significantly worse the day after he leaves.
Clemenger is teetering on the brink. There’s going to be a hell of a job to do to fend off the inevitable raids across all of their clients who cannot be all that impressed with this turn of events. Interesting times, and to the rest of Melbourne adland, have at it.
Just when it looked like things might be turning around *insert multiple face palm gifs*
I am putting the over/under on staff turnover at Clems in the next 12 months at 75%. Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets.
A rare thing in this industry, a CEO who not only understands and values the importance of creativity, but actually makes the work better. Probably worth noting that literally the only metal that Clems picked up in France this year was not work from the creative department, but from a pet project of his. Imagine that probably put some (not prizes for guessing whose) noses out of joint.
Any chance any of the 8 resigned but not reported VMLYR leadership team will join?
That the atmosphere in Clems today could generously be described as ‘moribund’
But at what cost to the people who worked there. Myself included.
Pretty much everything I’ve achieved in my career is because of the base it was built on at Colenso under Garrett. Never worked for or met anyone like him before or since. I know whatever you do next Nick it’ll be as big a success as what came before.
The world now knows. Mate – it’s been a privilege. One of the worlds best. A brilliant mentor, boss and friend – you will be missed. Thank you for everything. And excited for you and what’s next.
Everything’s going to be alright.
Sad day for Clems. No matter what you think of any other part of the announcement, Nick is an irreplaceable force and its going to be very weird not having him here. It was a pleasure to work for you Nick and I wish you all the best in the future.
“Under the outstanding leadership of Chris Howatson…”
How times have changed.
Under the leadership of Howie, that annoyingly energetic account guy at BBDO who took on CHE, the agency that 474 used to turn its nose up at.
Well done son. Well f*cking done.
What a massive loss…. I think from here on out there will continue to be many more losses now a great leader has left Clems!
When will he just retire and leave the running of Clems to contemporary experts?
Why is he leaving?
How very sad, I predict many more good people losses over the next few months as a result of the choices made in shaping a new leadership team.
Nick is one-of-a-kind. Knows more about the world’s latest creative work than most creatives. Pushes himself and the envelope so far that if you’re not the type of character that’s ‘all in’ you’ll simply get left behind. He’s also a good human being and importantly not afraid to have the occasional laugh at himself. Nick, I know you’ll go on to great things … if you haven’t already done so. Congrats on an incredible innings.
Does anyone else feel like this could spark a very interesting 18 months? I foresee a lot of movement, of both people and accounts (across the whole industry, not just Clems). BBDO will be looking to get on the front foot and make some signature wins for the new leadership team, the rest of the industry will be circling and surely smelling blood in the water.
As I said, interesting times.
Buried in this story is the news that Wolfy is now CCO. Well done
Good luck Clems, you’re gonna need it.
All the best for the future Nick. You’ve had an incredible impact both back in NZ and here. I hope our paths cross one day.
Nick is a great guy. Hard to work for but you always knew where you stood.
Nick is easily the most inspirational suit, leader and CEO in the advertising space. He demands the best from everyone, and however hard that can be it’s always about driving for the best work.
Good luck mate, beers soon.
Hands down, the best ad man I have worked with. Watch this space.
I wonder how much longer the dark mark will linger over Clemenger, the certain someone who is so out of touch it would be laugh out loud funny if it were not so destructive. Whilst he is calling the shots, everything else is merely a bandaid on a bullet wound.
My main hope is that this isn’t the end of Nick Garrett in the southern hemisphere, because lord knows that these days we have few enough truly world class advertising folk, and the industry really cannot afford to lose one of the stand out talents that we have. Shall be keeping my fingers crossed that whatever you do next sir, it is in this neck of the woods.
This is house of cards…
Hats off to Howie. He got busy building the agency of the future while the other one gallivanted around Cannes. Outthink, outsmart, outlast. Well done.
Good luck Nick. Great innings mate. Looking forward to seeing what’s next.
I’ve worked for Nick. He deserves every single acknowledgement he’s received here and across many other threads. Genuinely out there as one of the great leaders. What he’s done for Clems over the last decade deserves more than the thank you Morgan has offered. He’s carried the creative potential of this part of the world kicking and screaming onto the global stage in a way no one else can or could (with exceptional partners of course).
Whatever’s happened behind the scenes has resulted in one of the best talents in the world exiting. I can’t see how that qualifies as great leadership. Really I can’t.
Onward Nick.
Nick is one of the most, if not the most – amazing leaders I’ve ever had the privilege to work for and with. He’s truly inspirational – and he’ll have many chase to be by his side in whatever he does next.
However – I worry for those left behind with this new leadership.
Yeah. What they said. That.
Seriously what is happening to this place? There was a time where people all over the world would’ve killed to work here. First Ant and now Nick? What is left of this place man…
Nick vs Bos.
There is only one clear winner here.
No questions.
1st round knock out.
Straight sets win.
Golden duck.
What are they thinking?
Off you pop mate
You can ask no more of a leader than for the agency they lead to be the world’s best and then to follow that by crossing the ditch and for their next agency to be recognized for being as close as you get to being the world’s best’. Well done Nick and good luck. You deserve every success that comes our way.
For those of you left at Clems – strap in and look after yourselves. It’s going to be one hell of a ride; hell has just got more fire-y. Who knew it were possible?!
the monitoring on CB is doing on this thread is lol
All the best, Nick.
If there was anyone in that building fighting for creativity (as it stands today) and leaning into the changing nature of the industry, it was Nick.
He wasn’t always popular but a good leader shouldn’t always be, nor is it their job. He did his best.
As for the other promotions…
Anyone that takes a skerrick of pleasure out of this, I hope you have income insurance. If you think this is merely to do with Garrett and not the larger problems with the advertising business, then you’re an idiot.
What an innings Nick. I’ve never worked for anyone I hold in higher regard than you in this industry, a truly inspiring and passionate leader of people and of the work. This is a big loss for Clems but I know whatever you do next mate you’ll be a success.
O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
You are a true captain mate – good luck.
Imagine if Nick was never made CEO?? All the great work would still have been created (because it was all made before he got there. Macca would now be CEO and Ant and James would still be the unstoppable creative team leading world class work. You must find it hard sleeping at night Robert to have let this happen. It’s very sad indeed.
Yeah, that would have gone well. Just look at all the goals Monkeys Melbourne are kicking.
Oh, wait….
@imagine. Maybe some work was in play when he got there, but that’s just how it works. The current team will benefit from the hard yards Nick has put in.
Great innings Nick, look forward to seeing your next move
I keep hearing people talk about the work, the work, the work.
Of course its great that the CEO champions the work but Clemeneger employs a creative chairman, at least two ECD’s and a host of talented creative directors to REALLY think about the work, the work, the work.
This should result in Nick having to just think about the MONEY and maybe the CULTURE (but mainly the money.)
How did he do there?