CB Q&A with Town Square ECD Brendan Day: “We’re happy running our own race”

Campaign Brief’s quick five Q&A with Brendan Day, Executive Creative Director at Melbourne independent, full-service strategic and creative agency Town Square.
CB: Why haven’t most people heard of Town Square?
Brendan Day: Boring answer but we’ve always put the work first. And we’re not big on relying on external approval from industry. We’re happy running our own race, creating the type of work we believe in and that works for our clients.
CB: What’s with the name Town Square?
BD: Town squares were legislatively forbidden in Australia by good ol’ Governor Bourke in the 1830s to prohibit a largely convict population from getting together and upsetting the status quo. Seriously.
Good agencies like good town squares are where people come together, they are where ideas are shared. Ultimately, they are ‘where revolutions happen’. And that’s what we are all about.
CB: Wait, is that true?
BD: Yeah. Shit bloke. Unbelievable story. Given where the world is at right now, being the agency that represents positive revolutionary change feels like the right place to be.
CB: Tell us more about ‘Where Revolutions Happen’? How do you justify such a bold claim?
BD: It is. Sure. We agree. That’s what makes it so compelling. Nothing great in our industry ever came from being timid, so we are leaning into it and exploring where it can take us and our clients.
We’ve also recently brought on Jeff Malone as Chief of Strategy ex Cummins, TBWA and MullenLowe plus Greg Beer as Head of Art ex Uncommon, Mother and Wieden + Kennedy London to ensure the work lives up to the claim.
CB: What else should we know then about Town Square?
It’s an exciting time at Town Square. We’ve just moved from Prahran into an epic new/old office just off Flinders Lane as big proponents of Melbourne CBD. We are working all over the world. And we’re continuing to do our thing.