Bonds goes below deck to find latest unexpected expert for its Total Package range via Special


Superyacht Captain Jason Chambers, star of the reality TV show Below Deck, is the latest unexpected expert to be recruited to explain the benefits of the Total Package technology for Bonds in its latest campaign via Special.


The campaign revisits the latest game-changing innovation in men’s undies, Bonds Total Package. With its unique Total Support Pouch technology, Bonds separates and supports, taking comfort to a whole new level, and cementing themselves as the leader in comfort and innovation.

A series of instructional sailing videos, also filled with double entendre, explaining the features of the Total Package undies were also released across TikTok, Instagram and Facebook.

The Superyacht captain joins the campaign following a successful launch last year which saw a sushi chef, expert fisherman, property advisor Gavin Rubinstein and former AFL coach Kevin Sheedy to help explain the benefits of the Total Package range.

Bonds goes below deck to find latest unexpected expert for its Total Package range via Special

Says Nathan Rogers, head of strategy at Special: “Whether we are on land or out at sea, too often we leave our boys unsupported and uncomfortable. Total Package is the ultimate comfort solution to this simple truth.”

Says Lea Egan, creative director, Special: “For year 2 of the campaign we wanted to go bigger, better, and more ballsy. The below deck of a luxury super-yacht seemed the perfect choice.”

Says Edwina Moller, brand manager, Bonds: “Bonds Total Package is the next generation in men’s undies. A design innovation that has already proven to deliver a new level of support since its release last year. We hope round 2 of our cheeky campaign will resonate with men across Australia and help them set sail toward greater comfort.”

The campaign will be very well supported across TV, OLV, social, OOH.

Client: Bonds
General Manager,  Marketing: Kelly McBride
Marketing Manager: Kedda Ghazarian
Brand Manager: Edwina Moller

Agency: Special Australia
CEO/Partner: Lindsey Evans
CCO/Partners: Tom Martin & Julian Schreiber
CSO/Partner: Rebecca Stambanis
Managing Director: Sarah Raine
Head of Strategy, Melbourne: Nathan Rogers
Senior Strategist: Leoni Simon
ECD: Ryan Fitzgerald
Creative Directors: Sian Binder & Lea Egan
Creatives: Bella Plush & Shaun Mcfarlane
Team Lead: Georgia Newton
Business Manager: Phoebe Peralta & Ayesha Kithulegoda
Head of Film + Content: Sophie Simmons

Production Company: SCOUNDREL
Director: Ariel Martin
Executive Producer: Adrian Shapiro
Executive Producer: Kate Gooden
Producer: Giordi Caputo
DOP:  Aaron McClisky

Post House:  ARC EDIT
Post Producer:  Kani Saib
Editor: Phoebe Taylor
Grade: Fergus Rotherham
Online:  ARC EDIT

Sound Design: Gusto Studios
Producer:  Brigid Giles-Webb
Engineer: Colin Simkins

Media Agency: OMD