Bestads Best of the Week Reviewed by Michael Aimette, chief creative officer, FCB New York

Each week Bestads picks the very best advertising in the world, in every medium – which is reviewed by a top creative director or team to select their own personal favourites.
This week’s guest judge is Michael Aimette, chief creative officer at FCB New York.
Winner: Apple ‘The Underdogs – OOO‘. Damn you, Bestads! I swore I’d do my best to celebrate an undiscovered gem of a TV spot from a cool, under-the-radar brand that deserves its moment in the sun, and look at that, 3 of the 6 great spots on this list are from Nike or Apple. But, ok ok, I see why you did what you did. So I’m gonna go with the latest installment of Apple’s The Underdogs, because the whole thing has always been such a fun, goofy, wish-I’d-made-that ride. It’s basically just a wildly entertaining product demo film with a funny, likable cast of characters we can all see a bit of ourselves in. And I certainly can, because I’ve lost my luggage twice on work trips – so I relate to the dude wearing the panic-purchase fake muscle t-shirt (at least he didn’t run smack into my old boss David Lubars.) CONTINUE READING…