Banish boredom this EOFY: Grab your 20% off tickets to This Way Up, August 13-15, Sydney

Fight those EOFY yawns by booking your tickets to This Way Up – two days of ideas, innovation and inspiration at Sydney’s Museum of Contemporary Art from August 13 – 15.
Book by 30 June and get up to 20% off both individual and multi-day speaker passes. Creativity’s breeding ground for worthwhile opinions promises a packed speaker lineup of industry innovators plus unmissable creative courses and events, including AWARD Uni, the prestigious Hall of Fame black-tie gala dinner, and the first-ever AWARD Trivia Night.
The Gold Pencil Award Party, the festival’s night of nights, will conclude festivities, hosting the announcement of the 45th AWARD Awards’ winners and AWARD School 2024’s national top student.
So, rally the troops and act fast – opportunities like this don’t last.