Adstream launches online ad creation tool for P&O Cruises’ First Mate travel agent portal

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218245-pacific-dawn.jpgAdstream has today announced the launch of its Adreach system as the new web advertising tool in P&O Cruises’ First Mate travel agent portal, allowing travel agents to create and serve online ads.


Adstream worked with P&O over the past six months to develop the tool specifically tailored to work within the travel agent community.

Says Tammy Marshall, P&O Cruises’ senior vice president: “We want to help agents find more ‘new to cruise’ customers by giving them these tools. The idea of First Mate is to provide agents with a virtual marketing assistant in their office.”


Says Rob Manning, Adstream’s global head of digital: “All agents have to do is select an ad format from the ready-made templates, upload their logo, insert a call to action and specify their target demographic and parameters of the campaign. They’re literally just clicks away from serving their own online ad campaign and the great thing about the system is that it allows users to target customers within a 5km range of the postcode of their travel agent.”


Adstream launched a similar tool for Trade Me in New Zealand last year, which has yielded CTRs of 0.13%, well above the industry standard of 0.05%.