Adland behind bars: industry leaders to be locked up in prison to help young people at risk

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Adland behind bars: industry leaders to be locked up in prison to help young people at risk

On 27 June, 100 senior leaders from the media, marketing, tech and creative industry will spend a night in prison as part of UnLtd’s Adland Bail Out event, to help break the cycle of youth incarceration.


The ‘inmates’ will swap their usual home comforts to prison uniforms, solitary confinement and prison grub to experience what life really is like for many young people at risk. They will be stripped of their possessions, fingerprinted and interrogated, before spending the night in the chilling cells of Yasmar Youth Detention Centre.

In order to be released the next day, each participant is required to raise $1,250 as their ‘bail’. The funds raised will go towards UnLtd charity partners’ programs specifically designed to break the cycle of youth incarceration.

Says Stephen Hunt, CEO of UnLtd: “Australia is one of the only countries in the developed world that places children as young as 10 years into juvenile justice centres. Imprisoning children at such a young age simply does not work and only leads to a revolving door of incarceration, mental ill-health and a huge cost to our society. At UnLtd, we are fortunate to work with several charities that are focused on providing better outcomes for young people and society; ultimately keeping kids out of jail and helping them break the vicious cycle of youth incarceration. This event is a fantastic and unique way to bring awareness to this issue, deliver a visceral experience to our participants and to raise funds for more effective programs.”

Says Fiona Roberts, managing director ANZ at MiQ: “I took part in the Adland Bail Out a few years back and it was one of the most eye-opening experiences I’ve ever had. Spending the night on those cold hard floors of a cell is humbling and hearing the real life stories from young people is incredibly touching. But I’ve served my sentence and this year I’m excited to keep the motley crew in order as a Guard. Get ready to do as I tell you!”

The participants will also take part in thought-provoking workshops to hear from young people with lived experience on youth incarceration and inspiring experts working tirelessly to help keep young people out of trouble, out of jail and chasing their hopes and dreams.

To see the leaderboard and help your favourite industry personality reach their bail and be released from prison, please head to:

To find out more about the event, please contact

Event details:
Thursday 27 June 2024
Yasmar Detention Centre, Haberfield