After nearly 30 years, John Bevins closes shop


JOHN-BEVINS.jpgAfter nearly 30 years in business, John Bevins, one of Australia’s great agencies has decided to call it a day. Today, founder John Bevins (pictured by CB at the Caxtons in October), one of Australia’s all-time greatest copywriters, sent out this note to clients and suppliers:

On February 2, 1982 when John Bevins the agency started it was with no clients, no staff (the first employee didn’t turn up) and virtually no money.

In recent times we’ve thought that while there’s no more rewarding way to start an advertising agency, you’d never want to end on that way.

So, we’ve decided to close our doors. While John Bevins Pty Limited has great clients like Toshiba, Perpetual and Anglican Retirement Villages; while it has good reserves of cash; and while it has the greatest team of professionals you could ever hope to work with.

This way, the agency that has always enjoyed being in control of itsdestiny can ensure it does the right thing by everyone who works in theplace (the newest employees started nearly ten years ago) – and ensurethat each of us heads off with happy memories of working together andof working with those great clients.

To us that’s the ultimate success.

Adios from Bevins! It’s been lots of fun.

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