Telstra invites Australia to experience beautiful internet in latest campaign via +61 and BMEOF

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Telstra and +61 have partnered with director Dan Tobin Smith and art director Rachel Thomas to bring Telstra’s seamless Home Internet experience to life with a visually striking campaign.


Utilising a practical theatrical set and thousands of colourful dominoes, the striking films celebrate beautiful internet performance. The bespoke set was built for real in a large studio space with talented set designers, including some of the world’s best domino experts.

Says Brent Smart, Chief Marketing Officer, Telstra: “This distinctive campaign is designed to capture the imaginations of Aussies and stand-out in a market where everyone continues to focus on tired rational proof points. With the help of a team of domino experts (yes, that’s a real job), we built a bespoke set with a series of elegant domino runs using more than 20 thousand real dominos. Beautiful.”

Says Micah Walker, Chief Creative Officer, Bear Meets Eagle On Fire: “It’s a very simple idea where the elegance of the execution reinforces the message.”

Telstra invites Australia to experience beautiful internet in latest campaign via +61 and BMEOF

Agency: +61 with Bear Meets Eagle On Fire
Director: Dan Tobin Smith
Art Director: Rachel Thomas
Media: OMD Australia
Client: Telstra


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