M&C Saatchi’s Josh Bryer hosts big bash for his soon to be filmed sci-fi short film ‘Kindred’
M&C Saatchi creative group head Josh Bryer has written and produced ‘Kindred’. The project is an Indie short film which is the first sci-fi to star Indigenous Australians.
Currently raising funds through crowd-sourcing on Indiegogo, the project just hosted a big bash on Friday to thank contributors so far, sponsored by Organic Republic artisan bakery, Sailor Jerry rum and Fusion Brewing beer.
The night was attended by 120 people, mostly from Sydney’s adland and media and film circles.
The film stars 2 more M&C staff members, among others, and will be shot at director Oscar Nicholson’s ON Productions studio in Surry Hills in late August.
It’s slated for release from March 2013.
Thanks also to our generous photography sponsor, takenbytim.com.au
cheque please
Toot toot Stoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot. Can’t wait to see the finished film.
I want to go to there.