7-Eleven Slurpee launches its first Australian iPhone app designed by digital agency Rodeo
7-Eleven’s Slurpee has launched its first Australian iPhone app and biggest mobile advertising
campaign to date, designed by digital agency Rodeo.
Featuring a GPS store locator, the app lets Slurpee fans ‘check in’ the flavours that are available at certain stores and then track down their favourite flavours.
When app users scan a QR code on the front of the Slurpee Barrell and upload the flavours available, they receive special offers delivered back to their phone.
The app also features two games, Slurp Attack, where players fend off alien attackers using the power of brain freeze, and Slurpee Sensei, where the app answers random questions asked by the user.
Game results can be instantly shared with the user’s Facebook network.
7-Eleven’s national brand and communications manager Bill Kosmopoulos said the app had already proved very popular with Slurpee fans.
Says Kosmopoulos: “Slurpee has a very active fan network on social media and the app will help further drive engagement with the brand online.
Rodeo has driven the digital strategy for Slurpee since mid-2011 and we’ve steadily built an active online user base over this time. Elements of the app have been specifically built around feedback from our fans, such as the Flavour Finder. We’ve had more than 87,000 downloads of the app in less than six weeks. We know fans love finding their favourite flavour in store and this tells them exactly where to go to find it.”
Rodeo key accounts director Terence Thean said: “Slurpee has such a huge fan base and Slurpee drinkers congregate online. We’ve built a very strong presence for Slurpee online and are thrilled to now take Slurpee direct to people’s mobiles.”
The app is free and available now for download from iTunes.
1 Comment
Looks like Fruit Ninja