Old Spice guy’s amazing Twitter+YouTube feat
Wieden + Kennedy, Portland has launched an interactive Twitter + YouTube campaignto tie in with their ‘Questions’ TVC (launched a few weeks back), with the Old Spice Guy, IsaiahMustafa, responding with quick turn-around short video clips posted onthe Old Spice YouTube channel to real time questions from media outletslike the Huffington Post and the Ellen Show as well as individuals.
Asher Moses @ smh.com.au reports that what began as a clever marketing campaign has morphed into a viral web phenomenon,and the Old Spice Guy, Isaiah Mustafa, is milking it for all it’sworth…. Mustafa’s clips on the Old Spice YouTube channel have rackedup almost 55 million views, making it YouTube’s most viewed sponsoredchannel of all time. More about this on Mashable. Or join the Old Spice Guy on Twitter.
Hello agencies.
Look at your client.
Then back to him.
Look at your client.
Then back to him.
Sadly, he isn’t him.
But if he stopped being a narrow minded, completely research driven, deeply scared little cretin and switched to buying a fucking ad for once he could look like him.
I’m on a retail brief.
The writing is gold. Delivery is genius.
it’s brilliant the way this old crusty brand has been revitalised. advertising at its finest. congrats once again wieden on showing agencies how it’s done and clients what’s possible.
bravo 12:49 bravo
great follow up to the TV spot called Questions, Most ppl won’t make the connection, but who cares, it’s 1.25million% awesome
A great campaign has just got better.
As an aside, some of the attitudes on this blog are hilarious. Especially 12:49, who could easily write a Cannes Grand Prix winner like Old Spice, if it wasn’t for his/her pesky clients.
Hello Marketing Managers
look at your ads, then back to me, then back at your ads, then back to me.
sadly they aren’t me, but if you stopped asking for retail drivel, they could sell like me.
look down, back up, where are you? you’re on a boat, with the profits great advertising earns you.
whats in my hand. it’s two tickets to the french riviera. look again, the tickets are now job promotions.
anythings possible when you pay for great thinking and not wallpaper
i’m on your mum.
How to write great viral.
Write a great TV ad.
It’s still words and pictures played through a box.
Could this be the ad to kill off the digital myth?
Let’s hope so.
It’s good to see traditional advertising can still work.
Inspiring. Cracking stuff.
the good thing about wiedens is they do best ads, no matter if it is old/new/viral.
2:05 – if it weren’t for the digital strategy this superb campaign would only be seen by many. Now, it’ll be seen by the planet x10.
There is no “digital myth”, mate. The fact is they have used the digital/social channels correctly to explode it beyond anything the TV medium could dream of.
I just think it deserves its credit for being a fucking brilliant idea stretched correctly. Regardless of the medium it started in.
Oh, and the last time I looked the 100+ personalised videos of old spice guy were not TV ads.
fuckin great, love the writing on these
Here, here 2:45pm.
2:05, you’d better get that super fund topped up real quick.
This makes me feel so, so inadequate.
But that’s a good thing.
I’m as happy and excited about this as Yosemitebear is about rainbows. The writing is genius.
12:39pm I think I love you. In a man’s way of course. Classic.
The scariest part of this ad is that it’s beyond most of the people in our industry. If we were true to ourselves we would admit that we are lucky to have clients that wouldn’t buy such brilliance. It’s a perfect protector of our self-esteem.
Relax. Just doing a bit of dork fishing. Looks like I got a bite.
I’m actually pretty down with web. I’ve got a mac. And a facebook. And a Twitter.
Oh, and three houses. So that super should be just fine, thanks.
Dork fishing. Genius.
Great campaign. Perfect execution. Makes Old Spice cool again. Definitely going to net a string of awards. Let’s see if the sales peaks in the next couple of months (which is sadly the reason behind this ad anyway). Kudos to W+K for pulling this off and selling the idea to the client. Most of ours would’ve stopped is at ‘Hello’.
2:02, yes clever, but i think you’ll find it’s a bit harder when you’re staring at blank piece of paper.
It’s been viewed by 12 million people on YouTube
Each TV spot is viewed by 100 million plus in the US.
And they are indeed TV spots. They just happen to be running on a different channel.
What’s cool is that they show ‘user-created content’ to be the shallow solution it truly is.
Spend some time here:
Hey 2.45 – a digital platform or channel is just a medium to play a piece of film.
The same piece of film that could play on a TV, which this Old Spice campaign can and does.
If an agency decides to put that piece of film on Youtube or create a Facebook site it’s not genius, okay?
You might think it is, in your little bubble, but it isn’t, so get over yourself.
It’s just a channel (like any other media) and a monkey could put it there.
He had me at hello
I think you’re missing the whole point. If they ran on TV they wouldn’t be tailored at all. What is genius is personalised ads. Can “any other media” do that?
1:03/ Mr Ignorant
1. Great TV ad. No denying that and it got great exposure.
2. Unprecedented social media exposure due to nature of PERSONALISED content.
3. Content that will never be on TV unless obtained through Social media/digital channel.
4. Just because its film doesn’t give it the god given right to be called a TVC.
5 TV’s are a MEDIUM. Social and Digital channels are MEDIUMS and this content just happens to be film. Big deal. Does that mean it cant be classed as a digital piece of communication? Suck it up and just say its good marketing and get off your “oh its a tv ad” high horse. Nobody gives a fuck apart from muppets like you that feel threatened because Digital is syphoning your TVC budget.
Oh and 9:59 – 100M in the US? Woo-Hoo strap me up!!
in 2 months the rest of the planet will have scoured through almost 200 pieces of content (as it stands after only 2 days) hundreds and hundreds of millions of times and the conversation wont stop there. They will be twittering their little tits off about it forever, all logged and syndicated in lovely little blogs like the one you are reading right now.
And for the record they are not TV ads at all. When was the last time you wrote, produced, edited, and delivered an ad to media with a lead time of 7 minutes – and one that talked directly to a consumer by name?
Its a great campaign due to many converged people and channels. End of story.
Here here 3.16!
But it’s not end of story though. This exposure will also be utilising free media, as opposed to Mr Dinosaur’s big buck USA TVC spot (singular). I’m sure he doesn’t care about that though. He’s too busy scratching his head trying to figure out how this campaign works.
Any one that thinks clients don’t want (or expect) great ideas like this when they brief their agency is kidding themselves. No matter how bad the brief.
Don’t blame your clients for restricting your creativity. Your job is to do great work and sell it in. If you can’t do both of these things in tandem, it’s not your clients fault.
And don’t kid yourselves, the original brief was a retail one.