Pedigree to spend $4 million on the dogs: 2010 Adoption Drive in partnership with PetRescue
Much-loved Australian supermarket pet brand, Pedigree, via Whybin\TBWA, is set to launch the 2010 Pedigree Adoption Drive in partnership with leading rescue organisation PetRescue next month – an initiative that will mobilise a multitude of marketing mediums to improve the plight of homeless dogs across the country.
The June 2010 campaign, which will pull on the emotional heartstrings of all Australians, is born of the premise that every dog deserves a loving home – yet sadly over 100,000 unwanted dogs are euthanased every year because homes can’t be found.
The $4M campaign value will extend across all consumer touchpoints,including TV, print, online, digital, PR, point of sale and an engagingactivations program.
Brand Manager, Ryan Buckle says thecampaign reflects the brand’s commitment globally to make the world abetter place for dogs: “At Pedigree, we believe that every dog shouldbe fed well and have a good home. We do this by offering them the bestvalue supermarket brand pet food, and championing initiatives such asThe Pedigree Adoption Drive with our partner PetRescue. We’re excitedto be working with a bevy of agency partners on this journey, who willhelp bring the investment to life and ultimately improve levels of dogadoption across the country.”
Creative agency Whybin\TBWA willdrive a heartfelt TV and print execution, taken to market by Starcomwith an extensive media schedule including a Channel 7 partnership andAFL sponsorship with sporting ambassador Brad Johnson.
PRagency DEC will work together with leading celebrity ambassadors TomWilliams, Myf Wharhurst and PetRescue to release the Dog AdoptionIndex, a report into the issue of Dog Homelessness in Australia, todrive awareness and bust the myths that surround rescue-dog adoption.
Theofficial kick off will be marked by ‘Yellow Dog Day’ on June 4, adirect-to-consumer activation brought to life by Ambient – where yellowdogs will appear across Australian capital cities, representing thethousands that could potentially be saved.
In the digital arena Whybin\TBWA will work in conjunction with Digital Democracy to see come to life with new content and merchandise, and a Facebook fan page will donate a bowl of food to PetRescue for the first 15,000 new fans.
Atretail, the campaign will be signaled via on-pack promotions, point ofsale, floor media and donation relationships with leading supermarketpartners.
The Drive will run from 4 June to 30 July 2010 -encouraging Australians to action their support by and either adopting a homeless dog,donating online or buying* PEDIGREE®, with a portion of each speciallymarked pack sold going to PetRescue.
Over the course of threeyears, The Pedigree Adoption Drive has raised over $675,000 towardsimproving the life of homeless dogs. In 2009 alone, over 3000 dogs wererescued and in 2010, the drive will seek to home at least 4000 more andgrow the donation figure by at least another $100,000.
They should adopt a new tack…..this is just another version of what they’ve done before. Very predictable and uninspiring.
I ike pedigree a little bit more after doing this.
Yes I know its a strong engagement platform and they’ll sell lots of Pedigree stuffs but I like them still.
I’m for dogs too.
Although the missues has a cat and won’t let me have one.
Neither will she let me have FOXTEL.
Fuck it. I’m off.