Nunn’s iPad book for kids, Lazy Larry Lizard, launches on Australian iTunes tomorrow
Former advertising executive, Graham Nunn, launches his iPad Children’s book app, Lazy Larry Lizard, on Australian iTunes tomorrow. Selling for $5.99, it launched on the US iTunes site on May 4 for $US4.99.
The animated children’s storybook for one to five year olds, has been written specifically for the iPad with the reader asked to play an active role in the story – when you give Larry the Lizard a poke, he wakes up, thanks to 3D animation.
Nunn said that sales in the US in the last two weeks have beensurprisingly good despite the fact that he has held off any promotionuntil the version, 1.1, is up.
“So in theory, nobody should know it’s there but somehow or other, it’s still been selling”.
Nunn sent an upgrade off to Apple on Sunday night.
“We added a ‘Read to Me’ option and a sound effect track to the bookand crossed our fingers that Apple would approve version 1.1 in timefor the Friday 28th Australian iPad launch. It was always going to be aclose run thing but it only took seven days for the original app,including all the company banking and business details to be approved,so I’m still hopeful that I’ll get that all important ‘upgradeapproved’ email from Apple tonight (Thursday). I’ve had fantasticreviews from everyone who’s seen Lazy Larry and the addition of soundeffects takes it up another notch.”
Sorry Graham, I want to be excited for you, but you’re too old. Don’t you know industry rule #1: Only Gen Y are capable of innovative, digital apps because only they know all. Just ask them.
The last thing I want to numb my 4 year old’s brain with is a computer based story book.
Young kids don’t need electronic babysitters!
congrats on getting it made.
You could have asked permission to use my pic!
I am hopping mad.
Always good to see ad guys/ex ad guys do well outside of the business.
It doesnt matter how much you fight it, kids today are growing up in an electronic world with computers and digital media. You cant deny this. So why deny your child the opportunity to be at the front of this growth.
I’m not suggesting that ipod, ipad or TV for that matter become a babysitter. You can be just as interactive with your child and incorporate this into many different activites.
Doesnt matter what new invention comes out – a crap parent will be a crap parent and a good one will use all the arrows in their quiver.
Congratulations in being first off the block with a great idea. Pitched on target and destined for success. You can’t beat talent – just learn from it.
Congratulations on a great ipad book, I read Lazy Larry Lizard to my three children last night and they are already lining me up for the same brillient experience tonight.
gotta love kids loving technology! Five bigs stars for Graham Nunn
Hey, thanks 11:35. If you get the time, give it a rating on the iTunes site for me 🙂
My three old loves larry and equally loves books – accept the fact that the world is changing kids can and will multitask with technology old and new – like you all I wish I had come up with the idea – can’t wait for next episode!
I hooked up my external drive to my ipad and watched 8 movies while on a road trip across the usa.
The iPad has already changed the way I do my work – the iPad is here to stay!
Love the idea that kids can be encouraged to read, however it happens. I think that closing off this kind of experience is limited thinking. Not only are the kids getting to read using technology they are encouraged to think as well. The book has great opportunity for both so fab job to the Graham Nunn and to the animators at Red Cartel that helped to realise the vision.