Saatchi’s set to tap into ‘The Beer Economy’ for Tooheys New – campaign launches Sunday Feb 7


Boat 1.jpgEXCLUSIVE – Lion Nathan’s Tooheys NEW will unveil its latest campaign on Sunday night developed by Saatchi & Saatchi Australia which celebrates the nations’s unsung Beer Economy.

The fully integrated campaign explores the truth that in Australia, beer is constantly used as currency.  Whether it’s helping a mate move house or helping install a dishwasher, you can always get things done with a case of beer. The Beer Economy rolls out on Sunday 7 February with the first four ofnine television spots – exploring topics ranging from what to chargeyour grandma for helping out with chores, to the laws of mateship andthe logistics of milking a thoroughbred stallion for the purpose ofbreeding.

“The Beer Economy creative works so well because this simple insightrings true in the real world, and is a concept most people can relateto,” said Margaret Zabel, Lion Nathan Marketing Director.  “Tooheys NEWand Tooheys NEW White Stage are iconic Australian beer brands, andideal owners of this creative.”

Steve Back, executive creative director of Saatchi & SaatchiAustralia, said the campaign is about having fun with real experiences,and helping to perpetuate this endearing quirk of Aussie culture: “Theidea of a Beer Economy is nothing new – Aussies have been gettingthings done with beer for generations. Everyone has a hilarious storyabout something they’ve exchanged beer for.”

Boat 2.jpgLeak 2.jpgLeak 3.jpgNan 2.jpgThe campaign is set to include some community involvement. Businesses and individuals have already shown interest in the idea of accepting beer as payment. It will be interesting to see what can get done with Australia’s other currency.

“Because we had such a great truth, with literally hundreds of funnyscenarios, it seemed like a shame to spend our entire budget on oneall-encompassing, grandiose spot,” said Dave Bowman, creative directorof Saatchi & Saatchi.

The Beer Economy will be further leveraged via a strong digital campaign, centered on the website– which will launch Sunday replacing the old site here. The site will offer beer lovers advice and guidelines on the beer values ofvarious tasks and declaring Tooheys NEW and Tooheys NEW White Stage theOfficial Currency of the Beer Economy.

A handy online Beer Exchange Calculator application will then allowusers to answer a few basic multiple choice questions to work out howmany beers they’re owed, or how many they need to hand over.

The website is based around a simple Youtube channel that will housethe campaign’s content and link Beer Economy participants to resourcesthat can be personalised, including high-res and downloadable branded’Beer Invoices’ and a ‘For the Love of Beer I Will …….’ PDFtemplate – encouraging consumers to get creative and stimulate the BeerEconomy on their own terms.

Naturally, all the cast and crew were ‘incentivised’ with official currency – cases of Tooheys New. The campaign will be further supported by a strong in-store activationcampaign.  Bottleshops and pubs will be equipped with ‘Beer IOU’coasters, ‘Tooheys NEW Accepted Here’ stickers for tradesmen, and ‘BeerIOU’ cheque-books.

Client: Lion Nathan – Tooheys New

Lion Nathan Marketing Director – Margaret Zabel.

Agency: Saatchi and Saatchi Australia

Executive Creative Director: Steve Back

Creative Director: Dave Bowman

Writer: John McKelvey, James Ross-Edwards (Southpaw)

Art Director: Peter Galmes (Southpaw)

Agency Producer: Jules Jackson

Production Company:Cherub Pictures

Director: Justin Kurzel

DOP: Adam Arkapaw

Producer: Michelle Bennett

Planning: Neil Fairfield

Group Account Director: Alex Carr

Senior Business Director: Chris Yong

Account Manager: James Tracy- Inglis

Holler – Digital

Momentum Worldwide – Below the Line