TheBrandshop, Sydney to bring back the ‘Get some Pork on your fork’ line for APL
January 22 2010, 9:44 am | | 9 Comments
Australian Pork Limited is bringing back the much loved tag-line ‘Get Some Pork on Your Fork!’ in a saucy new campaign via theBrandshop, Sydney which will be launched nationally on TV, radio and online from 1st February 2010.
Agency: theBrandshop, Sydney
ECD: Monty Noble
Director of Vision: Rodd Martin
Writers: Monty Noble/Colin Sevitt
Accounts Service: Chris Pinnegar
Director: Adrian Haywood
Producer: Catherine Warner
Production Company: Plush Films
Editor (and voice over): Richard Learoyd
Post Production: Frame Set Match
Director of Vision?
What’s in a title anyway?
Director of Vision is not as preposterous a title as it seems if you know Rodd. He seems to attract women who are extremely easy on the eye.
Gotta say, made me laugh….
No, no, no…should read Director of “Versions”. I was the guy responsible for overseeing the 15 sec cut-down.
I guess this Christmas I’m going to Pork my Nan… Better get some mint KY Jelly.
A few laughs is always something to be proud of. Well done.
She’s going to pork him!? Always thought the man porked the woman. Maybe she’s using a pork back strap on…
Funny, but whats with brandshop and the puns… Beavers, Breakfast Skippers – and Porking!