Skinny Cow Ice-Cream launches Facebook Chick Flick Club for women via Publicis Mojo, Melbourne

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chick_flick_logo_01.jpgSkinny Cow Ice cream, via Publicis Mojo, Melbourne, has launched a Facebook community, the Chick Flick Club, for women to discuss and celebrate the films they love.


On the Facebook page, women can engage with Skinny to discuss and review ‘chick’ oriented films much like a book club. They are then able to rent a selection of DVDs free (until November) from a list of over 500 chick flicks with home delivery through a partnership with online DVD rental service Quickflix.

Says Joel Thomson digital CD of Publicis Mojo, Melbourne: “ourfemale audience loves to get together to hang out and watch movies.It’s an integral part of their social calendar. And nothing is betterwhen watching a film than a little ice-cream indulgence. We are simplyrecognising and rewarding that behaviour.” 


The club launchedthis month with the initial theme the ‘Month of Spunks’, where userscan participate in discussions about hotties like Ryan Gosling andRobert Pattinson in ‘The Notebook’ and ‘Twilight’, before choosingtheir own film to rent and getting the girls over.  


how_it_works_page_01.jpgSupportingthe club is a unique partnership with Quickflix, the online DVD rentalservice, which was negotiated by media agency ZenithOptimedia. SaysMatt Houltham, digital partner ZenithOptimedia & Mojo: “Quickflixrepresented the perfect partner. They enable Skinny to give itsaudience something they value for free – DVD rentals. In exchange,Quickflix get the opportunity to introduce their service to a new baseof customers.”  


“We are very excited to be working on thiscampaign with The Skinny Cow Team- it’s a great promotional opportunityfor our service and a showcase for the flexibility of the Quickflixplatform in creating an integrated brand experience,” said Ben Hammond,director of marketing for Quickflix. 


Advertising to supportthe launch will run in social and digital media, supported bypromotions with magazine and online partners.

“One of our mainobjectives was to leverage the positive sentiment and loyalty TheSkinny Cow Ice cream had generated since launching in Australia lastyear. The Chick Flick Club is a unique content platform to encouragewomen to talk about and try our brand,” says Mauricio Alarcon, head ofmarketing at Nestle Peters.