One of the best spots created while Paul Jones was ECD at DDB Sydney in the late 80s and early 90s was the McDonald’s ‘James Dean’ commercial, written by Ade Casey (who is still with DDB Sydney) and directed by the master, David Denneen. The spot won ATV Commercial of the Year

Twenty years earlier, in 1972, when at McCann-Erickson Sydney, Jones and Casey (together with art director Rob Dames, music guru Pat Aulton and director Ric Kabriel from Fontana) also created ‘It’s Time’, the most famous Australian political ad of all time, that helped propel the ALP into power.

Ade Casey and Rob Dames, her then husband, appear in the spot as two of the singers.


A reminder that for all his old colleagues and mates, a ‘Celebration of Paul’s Life’ (including a short film specially made for the occasion which will include some of his most famous ads) will be held tomorrow (Friday 9th Feb) 1pm at The Wine Banq in Sydney.

MCs: Kim Terekes and Peter Cherry (who is flying back from New York).

Cost: $100 per head at the door

When: This Friday 9th February

Time: 1pm onwards

Venue: The Wine Banq

Address: Cnr Martin Place + Elizabeth Street, City.

Wear: Black (like the man himself used to do)

RSVP: pauljones@winebanq.com.au

Call Kim Terekes for any other enquiries: 0411 113 355.