Young Folks responds to agencies on the F-List with tongue-in-cheek campaign ‘Ask Pearl’

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Young Folks responds to agencies on the F-List with tongue-in-cheek campaign ‘Ask Pearl’

Australian indie agency Young Folks has today launched a creative tongue-in-cheek campaign Ask Pearl – a parody agony aunt advice column that shines a light on agencies that work with fossil fuel brands while also serving clients that are trying to make a positive impact.


This campaign follows the annual launch of the F-List – a global initiative by Clean Creatives supported locally by Comms Declare that names agencies working with fossil fuel companies as the ‘Mad Men’ fuelling the climate crisis.

Ask Pearl calls on the advertising industry to hold itself to higher standards of transparency, shining a light on the tendency of some agencies to prioritise profit over positive impact.

Young Folks responds to agencies on the F-List with tongue-in-cheek campaign ‘Ask Pearl’

Young Folks managing director Erin Morris commented on the new campaign, which uses quippy one liners and nudges of humour to send a serious message about the double standards that are apparent in the industry: “When reviewing the F-List, we uncovered many agencies partnered with clients in the fossil fuel industry while also working with brands striving to make positive change.

“Ask Pearl aims to shed light on the hypocrisy and lack of transparency in our industry, encouraging brands to have ‘the talk’ with their agencies. Each letter to Pearl represents a brand coming to terms with the fact that their agency, while publicly championing sustainability, is also working for fossil fuel giants — often behind the scenes.”

“Our goal is not to name and shame — no agencies are actually mentioned — but rather to challenge the industry to reflect on its practices and inspire brands to take a stand. This isn’t just a moral issue, it’s about accountability. Should agencies working with fossil fuel companies really be partnering with clients fighting the very crisis those companies are causing? This is a double standard that needs addressing.”

Young Folks responds to agencies on the F-List with tongue-in-cheek campaign ‘Ask Pearl’

Morris also drew a comparison to the advertising industry’s past actions in response to public health issues: “Just as the advertising industry eventually pulled the pin on running campaigns for tobacco companies, we have to ask ourselves: in the face of the climate crisis, do we now have a moral obligation to stop promoting fossil fuel giants?”

Ask Pearl will drop a new letter every week on a dedicated website, with the campaign running across LinkedIn and Instagram, as well as digital OOH, connected TV, and Spotify audio ads.

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