Yasmin Ahmad dies in hospital following stroke
LeoBurnett Malaysia ECD and acclaimed film director Yasmin Ahmad passed away last night at 11.25pm in Damansara SpecialistHospital in Kuala Lumpur. She was just 51 years of age. She died frommassive bleeding in the brain following a stroke on Thursday. The worldis a much poorer place for her loss. Campaign Brief’s thoughts and prayers go out to her husband, Tan Yew Leong, and all her familyand close friends.
Read Harmandar Singh’s (from ADOI Magazine Malaysia) dedication to Yasmin HERE.
Read more on ADOI.
Read more HERE.
Here’s a much loved commercial, part of a series that won Gold at all the big internationalawards shows last year, as well as Gold at AWARD. Written and directed by Yasmin, it is a veryengaging conversation with a seven year old Malaysian boy.
In 2006, Yasmin was inducted into the Campaign Brief Hall of Fame, which was published in The Work 06 Annual.
Very sad to hear. I saw her speak at last years Spikes Awards. Very intelligent and talented woman. Rest is peace.
RIP. Terrible loss indeed.
Yasmin was a regular blogger, http://tinyurl.com/me2pkz interacting with her fans and sharing her tastes, opinions and concerns at Yasmin the Storyteller and Yasmin the Filmmaker.
She was an amazing woman.
I met Yasmin on a Clio jury,a really lovely and talented person.My thoughts go out to her friends and familyThat is very sad.
What a terrible loss – someone who truly loved the business and the people in it – someone who loved life and loved sharing her experience. So sad for her family, friends and her agency. Yasmin will be sadly missed.
RIP Yasmin. Such a sad loss of a beautiful person. This was Yasmin’s last post on her blog (July 17th): “I am optimistic and sentimental to the point of being annoying; especially to people who think that being cynical and cold is cool. Everyday, I thank Allah for everyday things like the ability to breathe, the ability to love, the ability to laugh, and the ability to eat and drink.”
Yo Yasmin. We hang out once for a week many years ago. You rocked the house with your love and warmth. Go easy my friend. We’ll miss you.
This is very sad and quite a shock.
Yasmin was one of the highlights of last year’s Spikes in Bali.
Terrible loss.
Vale Yasmin.