Yahoo!7 releases new social TV info predicting rapid smartphone and tablet growth in 2013

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fango.jpgYahoo!7 today released new information highlighting the rapid evolution of Social TV in Australia supported by the uptake of its market leading Social TV app – FANGO. Social TV is changing the way Australians interact with TV and engage with their favourite programmes.

Based on its understanding of the market, coupled with trend data on the continued uptake of smartphone and tablet devices, Yahoo!7 predicts that companion experiences and Social TV is set to grow even further. To bring this trend to life, Yahoo!7 has created an infographic that visualises how people are using Social TV in Australia, supported and driven by the continued proliferation of smartphone and tablet devices.


  • Over half of the Australian population now owns a smartphone and this is expected to rise to nearly two-thirds by next year.
  • Tablet use is growing even more quickly with 18% of households now owning a tablet and this is expected to more than double to nearly 40% within a year.
  • Multiscreen behaviour is becoming the norm in Australia with 60% of people accessing the internet while watching television, a large proportion of these people doing so daily. (Nielsen The Australian Online Consumer Landscape, March 2012)
  • In June 2012, 59,699 FANGO polls were completed, 91,795 trivia questions were answered and over 10,000 badges were awarded to fans based on their levels of interaction

Fans are checking-in to their favourite free-to-air top rating TV shows Home and Away, Revenge, Once Upon a Time, Packed To The Rafters, Australia’s Got Talent, and Channel Ten’s ‘Masterchef’.