Just because it’s a simple idea doesn’t mean it’s award school work.
Lotto is about dreaming. Just last night, as I sat on the toilet, I started dreaming about what I would do if I won the lotto. Like buy a heated toilet seat.
I love the work. Don’t listen to the haters, it’s really good.
the handrawn illo’s are what makes this idea so much better. this is great.
award school taught us all about simple, single minded ideas. this is one of them.
nice one.
And to all those tools moaning about ” award school ideas”, time you re-take the course.
Beautiful, simple work. I fucking love it. Nicely done.
Great print. Jealous.
Looks like award school work!
Just because it’s a simple idea doesn’t mean it’s award school work.
Lotto is about dreaming. Just last night, as I sat on the toilet, I started dreaming about what I would do if I won the lotto. Like buy a heated toilet seat.
I love the work. Don’t listen to the haters, it’s really good.
I dunno… that ‘Truckload of cash’ idea that we hear eeeevery year is pretty awesome.
AWARD school ad makes it into press.
I like it a lot.
Fresh, even though for some reason I was expecting pornographic Lotto.
It’s never easy getting that kind of work through. Nicely done.
This is good? But you have to use your imagination! And where’s the jackpot amount in a humongous bomblast? I want my ads to SHOUT!
If you think this is bad you probably don’t know what is good.
Very nice indeed. Big idea executed with restraint and charm. I hope the client trusts the idea enough to put a few dollars behind the media.
I think it will be really good once the hand-roughs become actual advertising. Well done.
Really really nice.
Most unusual. Lingers in the head. Well done.
the handrawn illo’s are what makes this idea so much better. this is great.
award school taught us all about simple, single minded ideas. this is one of them.
nice one.
And to all those tools moaning about ” award school ideas”, time you re-take the course.
Intelligent idea. Great job guys. I’m also just a bit jealous.