WPP launches WPP Health & Wellness; Gary Pattison to head Australia and NZ unit as CEO
WPP, the global communications services group, today announced the formation of WPP Health & Wellness, a new sub-holding company that unites WPP’s broad capability under one banner to significantly advance its offer and partnership with clients across the spectrum of health and wellness.
Created with a strong global perspective on the challenges and opportunities in today’s health industry, WPP Health & Wellness will build on WPP’s areas of competitive advantage to accelerate growth, new opportunities, and better health outcomes for clients.
Gary Pattison has taken up the newly created position of CEO of WPP Health & Wellness AUNZ and will split his time between leading WPP Health & Wellness AUNZ – working closely with the leadership teams of Sudler & Hennessey and Grey Health Group – and continuing to lead the Ogilvy CommonHealth team. Pattison has an outstanding track record in healthcare, most recently having grown the Ogilvy CommonHealth business with a range of new services, expertise and innovations. He brings 20 years’ experience in healthcare communications in both Australia and the UK with a strong track record, so is well placed to bring the new global brand to life.
Says Pattison: “The formation of WPP Health & Wellness comes at an ideal point in time where clients are looking for smarter thinking, bigger ideas and increased collaboration and innovation across disciplines and across communications channels. Harnessing the unrivalled power of WPP locally and globally for all of our health and wellness clients in Australia and New Zealand is an awesome prospect.”
Says Sir Martin Sorrell, CEO of WPP: “Health and wellness is one of the most exciting sectors of the global economy and offers enormous opportunities for our businesses. WPP Health & Wellness will build on the excellent work we are already doing in this space and take us into new areas with a much more comprehensive offer. This new unit is significant because it represents the next evolution of horizontality, through which WPP will continue to lead and transform health marketing.”
WPP Health & Wellness is led by Global CEO Mike Hudnall, a 20-year marketing veteran with deep experience in healthcare marketing and global client leadership.
Says Hudnall: “Our clients today live in an increasingly regulated, outcomes- based, and consumer-driven world that presents complex challenges and significant opportunity for their business. We have been incredibly successful to date, and I am excited to build on our achievements and provide our clients with a higher level of strategic partnership, an expanded range of specialized modern services, and specialized healthcare capabilities in new sectors.”
The company’s strategic mission is to advance horizontality, mobilizing the entire WPP network for the benefit of our clients, particularly those served by WPP’s global healthcare client Teams. The strategy includes three initial priorities in 2017:
- Creating a new healthcare specialist unit: Building on a long history of partnership on Team Accounts, WPP Health & Wellness is placing four specialist agencies–Ogilvy CommonHealth Worldwide, Sudler & Hennessey, ghg | greyhealth group, and CMI/Compas–into a new specialized healthcare unit. The agencies will continue to operate under their current brands, but will now be united by a shared vision and purpose, leverage shared services and resources, and mobilize talent across the unit to deliver the full depth and breadth of their specialized services to clients.
In the Americas, the agencies will continue to be led by their current leadership (Jed Beitler [Sudler & Hennessey], Lynn O’Connor Vos [ghg | greyhealth group], Stan Woodland [CMI/Compas], and Ogilvy CommonHealth’s four managing partners [Darlene Dobry, Michael Parisi, Shaun Urban, and Marc Weiner]).
To service the rest of the world, the company is creating a new international healthcare specialist unit with hubs in Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa, the Middle East, Australia, and New Zealand. Claire Gillis has been appointed to lead this international division as International CEO, Healthcare Specialist Agencies. Previously, Gillis was CEO of ghg | greyhealth group Europe.
Says Hudnall: “Individually our healthcare agencies are well known and respected for their strong partnership and meaningful work they deliver for our clients. This new structure centers on keeping those brands and cultures alive, builds on those strengths, and enables new cross-agency collaboration that will benefit our clients and provide greater career opportunities for our people. We are focused on sharing best practices, scaling our strengths, and developing new services.”
- Developing a specialized health consulting service: Focused on providing innovative, pragmatic strategic counsel for clients’ increasingly complex needs, WPP Health & Wellness will create a new health consulting capability. The service will build on and scale the group’s current brand strategy, medical affairs, and market access capabilities to further advance its specialized offer.
- Creating the industry’s most robust health-focused data and insights offering: WPP has more data sources and proprietary data assets than industry competitors. Building on this asymmetric advantage, WPP Health & Wellness will work with Group companies like Kantar, GroupM, and Wunderman to create one of the first-ever data and analytics capabilities and offers in health. This will provide clients with more sophisticated segmentation and targeting, the ability to use data to deliver more valuable information to change behavior, and most importantly, to deliver better health outcomes.