Woolworth’s launches 90 second ‘More Savings Every Day’ commercial via Droga5, Sydney
June 18 2013, 3:06 pm | | 19 Comments
Woolworth’s, via agency Droga5, Sydney has launched a 90 second TVC last night featuring a Woolies staffer savouring the special moments of her day.
This one’s about three rungs too high up the old benefit ladder, which ultimately de-rails it. It could be an ad for insurance, panadol, or, nescafe blend 43. No matter how many times the word “filmic” was uttered in the pre-pro, it couldn’t make this ad distinctive or watchable.
This is awesome…. Credits?
Oh dear, oh dear. Why so dull?
Is it a promise of the torpor felt when visiting their dreary stores?
Self-indulgent wank.
Aside from the fact that this is client written chest beating shite, it’s interesting to see the strategy move away from fresh to not as cheap as Coles so therefore better quality.
This is appalling work. It really is.
Emotive doesn’t make a good commercial people.
It’s Woolworths!!! No one feels that deeply about doing the grocery shopping. And the VO! Did anyone actually write this or bother to check it? The brief was basically handed to the VO artist. “Just read this please. Yes and the consumer insight section. thank you…” script done.
Guys and girls – you are dropping the ball.
One word describes this ad: vomit
Made more sense when it was for road safety:
I have no vested interest in saying this but this is the type of ad you do when you know your days are numbered.
I fell asleep. How did it end?
Droga 4.99 have just made their way to the bargain bin.
Can we please stop turning strategy presentations into ads? And by the way, agree with the above, holy over promise.
Jesus. How long does it take her to drive to work?
Give the job back to M&C .At least they brought some joy to Woolworths World.
At least in my openning credits there’s a decent song and a bit of pace. Someone needs to be wacked.
This is pathetic. Coles may be ugly, but at least it has a simple and clearly defined personality. At least it has balls
There goes a precious moment we’ll never get back.
Maybe that’s just the way it is. Or is it?
Woolworths talking Woolworths!
Who cares what the customers want to hear as long as the lads in the boardroom feel better about themselves
90 seconds. Just enough time to get off the couch and make a cup of tea.