Women in STEM Ambassador and PHD launch national awareness initiative Future You

The Australian Government’s Women in STEM Ambassador has engaged PHD to develop Future You, a national initiative to raise awareness of careers and study in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) among children aged eight to 12 years old and their parents and carers. The initiative aims to address the challenge of women and girls being underrepresented in STEM education and careers in Australia.
PHD collaborated with the Office of the Women in STEM Ambassador to develop the concept Future You, which takes an evidence-based approach to ensure the initiative resonates with target audiences. The initiative features 12 Future You heroes including a Builder, Gold Miner, Farmer, Nurse, Moon to Mars Mission Director, Ecologist, and Game Designer. The Future You website provides a resource for primary school-aged children – and their parents and carers – on the topic of STEM, where children can play interactive games and take a STEM job quiz.
Says Ned Curtis, content and partnership manager, PHD: “PHD Content have been able to push creative boundaries with the content elements to ensure the program resonates and engages with kids in an innovative and safe online environment. We are so proud of the outcome and it’s been a true partnership between ourselves, the Office of the Women in STEM Ambassador and TotallyAwesome.” said PHD Content and Partnership Manager, Ned Curtis.
Working alongside the leading kids’ digital specialists, TotallyAwesome, the STEM career heroes have been brought to life in an inspirational animated video, ‘Be Everything You Ever Imagined’. The video will also be housed on the Future You website – www.womeninstem.org.au/futureyou.
Says Claudia Alvarado, senior sales manager of TotallyAwesome, NSW: “TotallyAwesome Australia is incredibly proud to play an integral role in the content development and marketing promotion of the Future You, women in STEM national awareness raising initiative. Children are our future and as leaders in engaging with kids online in a safe and compliant manner, we support and encourage kids in the advancement of their future careers in the study of STEM.”
Future You is led by the Women in STEM Ambassador and funded by the Australian Government’s $1.5 million Women in STEM National Awareness Raising Initiative. The account was awarded to PHD earlier this year in a pitch that saw the media agency pitching against creative agencies. The campaign launched on Friday, 30 October 2020.
Client: Office of the Women in STEM Ambassador
Media Agency: PHD and PHD Content
Production: Totally Awesome