Win a trip for 2 to the Truce Halloween Party in Melbourne on Friday 25 October

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Win a trip for 2 to the Truce Halloween Party in Melbourne on Friday 25 October

Truce Halloween returns for its 3rd annual ghoul-fest in Melbourne and to celebrate the launch of the Sydney office, Truce is offering 2 x return flights and accommodation to join them for Halloween on Friday 25 October to two individuals, or the team of creatives and/or producers who submit the best costume pitch. Stakes are high!


This can be done with a moodboard, the written word, collage, original song – however you express your creativity. As long as the IDEA is good and you plan to wear it to the party. Fit inspo from last year here.

Submit your Halloween costume idea to by Wednesday, September 25th. A winner will be announced on the Truce IG the next day. So don’t forget to follow.

Entries will be judged by Special’s Lea Egan and Sian Binder.

Please note, this event is strictly invite only.