Wall’s rolls out new ‘Scoops of Happiness’ digital campaign to AsiaPac markets via Tribal DDB Singapore, Yukfoo Animation + Waitemata Films


WALLS_DIORAMA_FINISHLINE.jpgWall’s has launched a new ‘Scoops of Happiness’ digital campaign in the Indonesian market, to be rolled out amongst Asia Pacific markets in the near future, devised by Tribal DDB Singapore and realised by Yukfoo Animation and Waitemata Films.

The campaign uses both cutting edge technology and old-fashioned storytelling to engage and entice the viewer to embrace both the core idea and the Wall’s brand.

WALLS_ALADDIN.jpgWhen Tribal Worldwide Singapore presented Yukfoo Animation and Waitemata Films with the Wall’s ‘Scoops of Happiness’ concept it was clear from the outset that this was no ordinary digital campaign. Based around a unique YouTube channel and to feature 35 minutes of live and animated content it WALLS_DIORAMA_GINGERBREAD.jpgwas always going to be a challenge that pushed well outside the bounds of your usual TVC or viral spot.

Vinod Savio, Associate Creative Director at Tribal Worldwide Singapore said: “Scoops of Happiness combines two things we all love: Ice cream and stories. Once we arrived at the creative proposition of ‘Stories you can taste’, we knew we had a truly unique and delicious campaign at our hands for Wall’s. From there on we worked closely with Alan and Sigi to ensure every story was an easy to follow recipe, and every recipe an unforgettable story. We wanted something that would allow viewers to feed their imagination, along with their cravings for ice cream.”

The campaign is constructed around the simple proposition that ‘Scoops of Happiness’ would give consumers the opportunity to engage with the product in a creative way – that they could explore an animated fairy tale world, discover exciting recipes, download and make them. All of the recipes were adaptions of fairy tale characters based, of course, around scoops of Wall’s ice-cream.

WALLS_DIORAMA_PISTACHIO.jpgYukfoo and Waitemata decided early on that the best way to achieve the desired results for the project would be to work very closely together to allow both creative collaboration and communication to flow and so that the client could always talk with the necessary people at any time.

Says Alan Dickson, Yukfoo director: “We wanted to enable the e!iciencies of our workflow and systems to function in a way that gave our creative output the best opportunity to be fully present on-screen rather than eaten up by the unnecessaries that can undermine and dilute productions. I believe all parties involved would agree that we have achieved this.”

The team were tasked with developing all 15 fairytale character recipes and the stories that accompanied them and they worked closely with Tribal DDB to ensure that all ingredients were available in the territories that were hosting the campaign.

MAIN_STILL_WALLS_ALICE.jpgWaitemata Film’s live action director and DoP, Sigi Spath, and the creatives spent weeks developing the storyboards and finessing the voice overs to develop a comprehensive and entertaining structure for each recipe video. For the shoot a two camera set up approach was adopted. The fairy tale videos were shot WALLS_DIORAMA_SNOWWHITE.jpgover four days in a studio with a team of four food stylists creating and re-creating each individual ice cream character many times. Due to the amount of footage required a production line approach was used that allowed for the, always tricky, food shots to be done e!iciently and which maximised their usability in the final edits.

Concurrent to the development of the recipes and their accompanying characters Yukfoo began building them in CG and creating the world that they lived in – a 3D environment (diorama) that allows for a continuous journey from character set to character set. Each character needed to be modelled to replicate the live action recipe as they would become the portal through which the viewer would access these recipes. The diorama animation runs to 3 minutes and as the viewer reaches each character scenario a magical annotation

gives them the opportunity to click through to the live action recipe. The recipe preloads and plays seamlessly in the same page on the ‘Scoops of Happiness’ YouTube channel, the skin of which was designed, photographed and animated in-house at Yukfoo and Waitemata. The viewer can then download each recipe as a PDF file, share the recipe or the entire channel on various types of social media and click back to the diorama and explore more of the fairy tale world.

WALLS_GINGERBREAD.jpgOnce each live action recipe was edited the team at Yukfoo created individualised 2D animations to augment the stories and developed 3 custom fonts and specific typography to introduce and explain the recipe ingredients and take viewers through the story of how it should be made. The videos featured an ingredients list, recipe creation, and product enjoyment shots.

Says Dickson: “The ‘Scoops of Happiness’ digital campaign involved creative thinking at all levels – from design and direction, to developing innovative production techniques, right through to managing massive amounts of footage and data. As a logistical exercise it was extremely involved and was certainly helped by Yukfoo and Waitemata working together as a one-stop-shop for the duration of the production. We are immensely pleased and proud of the work we put into this campaign and the overall result that we achieved, which, we reckon, speaks for itself.”

WALLS_RAPUNZEL.jpg‘Scoops of Happiness’ is a groundbreaking campaign for all of the key stakeholders (Unilever, Wall’s, Tribal DDB, Yukfoo Animation and Waitemata Films) and takes genuine advantage of new technologies in online media, allowing for the viewer to engage in an interactive environment where they can fully determine their viewing experience. The fantasy world of Wall’s ‘Scoops of Happiness’ is colourful, entertaining and a delightful way to learn and create – playing with your food has never been so much fun.

Directors – Alan Dickson (Yukfoo Animation), Sigi Spath (Waitemata Films)

Production: Yukfoo Animation, Waitemata Films

Agency: Tribal DDB (Singapore)