WA Government invites West Aussies to Work out Yonder in campaign via The Brand Agency

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Without tourists and backpackers to fill the short-term seasonal jobs throughout regional WA, businesses are in urgent need of adventurous, hard workers.


When facing this challenge, it is apparent that young people from all over the world usually come to Western Australia each year for a working holiday and an experience of a lifetime; but why don’t young West Aussies feel the same?

The State Government, through The Department of the Premier and Cabinet worked with The Brand Agency to develop a campaign to encourage young West Australians to get paid to make memories. Take their gap year and explore their own state while working on their travels. Be it picking fruit and vegetables, grape picking, pouring a pint or driving a combine harvester, the work is available for those up for the adventure.

The campaign aims to encourage young West Aussies to get behind their state, strap on their boots and wander out yonder to regional WA to fill the empty roles that backpackers would traditionally fill. The campaign will feature every day, run-of-the-mill city based roles and set them against the compelling experiences on offer in regional WA, highlighting that when you add a stunning tourism location, any job feels less like work and more like a holiday.

“This is ultimately a tourism campaign, encouraging people to travel to regional WA,” explained Brendon Lewis, Head of Account Management at The Brand Agency.

“Tourism WA has an established creative platform in Wander out Yonder that is proving to be very successful. Adding ‘work’ to it made sense for this brief, leverage what people already know and make it relevant to the problem”.

The campaign goes to market this month across social, OOH, digital, television, press and radio and leverages partnerships with Seek and Studium to match workers with jobs.

WA Government invites West Aussies to Work out Yonder in campaign via The Brand Agency

Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Ilka Novak, Director of COVID Communications
Nadia Miraudo, Deputy Director of Communications
Renae Newman, Campaign Manager, Tourism WA
Melissa Francis, Manager Campaigns, COVID Communications
Paul Fletcher, Campaigns Officer, COVID Communications

The Brand Agency, Perth
Account Management: Brendon Lewis, Ruby Broun, Christina Tilenni
Creative Director: Dean Hunt
Art Director: Niall Stephen
Copywriter: Lachy Banton, Dan Debuf
Production Company: King Street
Producer: Rozie Fretz, King Street
Editor: Pete Townsend, King Street
Grade: Boogie Monster
Audio: Soundbyte Studios