VMLY&R takes home the Golden Brain at VIC Youngbloods Agency vs Agency Trivia

VMLY&R takes home the Golden Brain at VIC Youngbloods Agency vs Agency Trivia

Last Thursday, VMLY&R beat out 12 other agencies to be crowned Victoria’s Brainiest Agency of 2022.


A VMLY&R team won the coveted Golden Brain Award at this year’s Agency vs Agency Trivia. The winning team, paradoxically named VMLY R U STUPID proved to be quite the opposite – cleverly outsmarting over a dozen other agencies in the room. The golden brains of the team included Jen Moffat, Searlait Hogan, Oliver Parry-Jones, Abbey Richmond, Kelly Hammond, and Fiona Norman.

“We may have a lot of letters in our name, but there is no ‘I’ in our team,” says team VMLY&R.

Well done VMLY&R, and well done to all agencies who showed up and put their heads together. Keep your eyes peeled for the next VIC event on the Youngbloods Instagram.

VMLY&R takes home the Golden Brain at VIC Youngbloods Agency vs Agency Trivia VMLY&R takes home the Golden Brain at VIC Youngbloods Agency vs Agency Trivia VMLY&R takes home the Golden Brain at VIC Youngbloods Agency vs Agency Trivia VMLY&R takes home the Golden Brain at VIC Youngbloods Agency vs Agency Trivia

View the rest of the trivia photos here.