VB unveils England Bitter via The Monkeys, shipping to the UK for Australia’s old foes

UPDATED TO INCLUDE JINGLE: Australia’s most famous beer has created a limited-edition run just for the English. England Bitter will be shipped to Old Blighty today as part of a campaign developed by The Monkeys.
To ensure England’s men’s cricketers are aware of the offer, VB has just released a rejigged version of its iconic jingle in the great tradition of banter between our two great cricketing nations. Victoria Bitter has also taken out full-page ads in major Australian newspapers this morning ahead of the third test starting at Headingley.
Play the jingle below:
It follows English coach Brendon McCullum’s refusal to have a beer with the Aussies.
Says Marc Lord, marketing manager, VB: “We know the English are bitter about the Lord’s Test, but when they’re feeling less bitter we’ve got a beer to shout them … our fresh new England Bitter.
“England Bitter has got their name on it and we’re sending a few slabs to the English Cricket Team to enjoy once they’ve cooled off.
“We raise our glass to the whole Australian team for securing a famous win in the second test, and wish them the best of luck in winning the series.”
Free England Bitter t-shirts will also be given out today to Aussie fans at Headingley.
would have been much better.
Na. Their idea is better. Soz.
Any sandpaper brands out there worth tapping up ; )
Spare mint Monty?
one of those ‘ha, this is pretty good’ moments and then you start to think about it and it makes less and less sense and doesn’t say anything good about the brand.
Then again, i doubt consumers will overthink it like me.
this is real good.
Vegemite does it better. The use of ‘bitter”, part of the DNA of the brand and name, highlights how this may miss the mark.
I don’t feel like a Vic Bitter and I don’t feel good about the brand. XXXX Gold thanks governor.
The Aussies are proven cheats. It’s unfortunate, but they cheated and they got caught. They also have a long and sordid history of poor-spirited behaviour like the infamous underarm bowl. The reaction to this most recent faux pas is the culmination of history, not the act itself. There was nothing illegal or mean-spirited about the stumping – the British were lazy and they’re now being wimps about it. There are only bad winners here, and even worse losers
Handsome work, chaps.
Love a warm VB. Especially when you mistake yours for the one with a ciggy butt in it.
Flawless, well bloody done.
commendable commitment to the pun, just a shame the typography is lazier than the ENG L A N D no.7’s batsmanship.
A hard days whinge need nice warm beer, and the best warm beer is England Bitter.
Bit of fun. Nothing more. Nothing less. Well done.
I guess if we lose there’s a case of ESB coming to the Aussies.
I think that guy was saying the British suck too. Read. Convict.
Fuck. Now I can’t unsee that.
Why does the sub line talk about them waiting to be less bitter?
Shouldn’t it be like “Here’s a beer to match your mood” or something?
Then you call the beer like “England’s Bitter”
It’s because the England coach refused to have a beer with the Australian team after the match, which is common practice during the Ashes.
Suck a wet fart poms. You lost at your own game.
I laughed. Bunch of sooks.
P.s. Whoever said the Vegemite ad was better is a moron.
Well maybe we had good teachers or have England conveniently forgotten the British bottle top ball scouring incidents. The british sooks did it first at least we were smarter than England and used a bit of sandpaper. Get a life.
Love to get my hands on one of those England Bitter Slabs though. I have also noted sour grapes quip “A Hard Days Whinge” didn’t the Beatles sing that one lmao.
Doubling down on a dubious play shows no contrition. Rather mean. As for the beer, it is rancid so this tone suits it.
… in the comments.
From an Earned POV, this has already killed it.
More bitter tears, Poms.
The Monkeys are working with CUB?
Did anyone tell us about this?
Accenture song is turning into Thinkerbell
Tactical ads have been around and will be around long after Thinkerbell come and go.
This will have already got more real world impressions, news stories, shares, likes, comments and mentions than any of the fake work that won at Cannes this cycle. Anyone who thinks this is ‘bad’ is wildly out of touch with the common man. Advertising is selling, and singing – not saving lives.
screaming rn
True. But Thinkerbell have a more memorable name than Accenture Song.
Shouldn’t it have been England’s Bitter?
It should’ve been ‘England’s Bitter’
Is VB all about reward for effort ? What effort has England put in? I don’t get the hard earned link. Playing off the puns trying to be Thinkerbell. Surprised to see.
Beijing’s Bitter for Sydney Olympics was cleverer and reflected the advertising sophistication of the time. Or is it just Beijing’s Bitter’s Better. When did we stop saying ‘it’s been done’ as opposed to ‘lets do it again’? Expect better of monkeys. Maybe not of Accenture song…
Get off the grass Thinkerbell lads. You weren’t the first to invent rapid-response advertising, in fact, I don’t think I can recall any examples where you did. Get off the astro turf. This ad has class.
How is the bitterness of the comments here. It is a great tactical piece of work. End of.
So, the problem here is, that ‘bitter’ moment has already passed.
They’ve won the third test, I’d say they’re not bitter now.
You think? They have been bitter ever since the rest of the world realised they are a small insignificant island off the coast of Europe. They will continue to whine. It is in their DNA.
Yeah, they’re the bitter ones mate.
Small island syndrome.
Doesn’t make any sense.