Unfkable unites Sydney senior creative women against ‘white guys on sofa’ in new campaign


unfkable campaign.jpgWhile Sydney ad agency Leo Burnett claims it just can’t find any women for its 30-strong creative department – except one – a new collective of senior creative women is asking brands and marketers to go straight to the source to achieve diversity in their creative departments.

A provocative new execution in the Unfkable campaign, launched a few hours ago, is already stirring up support across social media. With the headline “How can your brand stand out when you employ the same tools as your competitors?” the challenge is to those holding the marketing purse strings to take a stand against the lack of diversity in just about every ad agency creative department – not just Leo Burnett, who happen to be in the firing line right now.

Unfkable founder Jane Evans has in three days found and united scores of senior creative women across the globe, including Sydney and London, who are offering their skills outside of the traditional white male dominated advertising agency.

In just three days, the Unfkable launch campaign has attracted attention and support from some of the marketing world’s most powerful people – including Brad Jakeman from PepsiCo, Cindy Gallop, the 3% Conference and Katherine Gordon.