Ty Montague to chair Andy Awards
The International ANDY Awards has named Ty Montague, Co-President and Chief Creative Officer of JWT North America, the Show’s new Chairman. Montague takes over the position from Mark Waites, Creative Director and Founding Partner of Mother London, who has served as ANDY Chairman for the past two years.
“We are very pleased that Ty has accepted his nomination as our newChairman,” says Gina Grillo, Executive Director of The ADVERTISINGClub, which produces the International ANDY Awards. “The criteria forour decision was based on the fact that Ty has not only been a positiveinfluence as a past juror but is one of the most accomplished globalcreatives in the business, committed to industry excellence and thegrowth of the Show. Our team is very excited to work with him and lookforward to his creative plans for the 2010 ANDYs.”
The role ofChairman of the ANDY Awards is multi-faceted. As the leader of theShow’s preeminent judging panel, Ty is also responsible for the Show’smarketing campaign that includes the ads, Call for Entry and othercreative elements. ANDY Chairmen traditionally leave their fingerprintand their agency’s special mark on the Show:
• Alex Boguskypositioned the Show as the “Super Bowl” of advertising, creating aChampionship Ring for winners and an irreverent campaign that showedthe famous jurors “honoring the ring”;
• Mark Tutsselstrengthened the Show’s international visibility and reputation, whichincluded initiating a new Preliminary Judging panel in Londonconcurrent with the New York panel. His team at Leo Burnett produced anad campaign for the ANDYs that illustrated the creative process as aworld of heaven, hell and purgatory — one of the Show’s mosttalked-about campaign in years;
• Mark Waites worked to renew theShow’s position as first of the season and predictor of subsequentwinners of other top shows. His Mother London team created a viral admailer in the marketing campaign that provocatively embraced thepopularity of social networking.
According to Montague, “I’vealways been a huge fan of the ANDYs. Every award show is different. The ANDYs stand out because of the consistent quality of their juries. Their juries are the best of the best in all disciplines of ourindustry. It has been an honor to sit on them over the years and aspecial honor to be asked to chair.”