Truce bolsters production team with hiring of Jess Langley as senior producer

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Truce bolsters production team with hiring of Jess Langley as senior producer

Melbourne-based outfit Truce Films continues its growth with the hire of Senior Producer Jess Langley for its commercial production team.


Langley joins Truce from Clemenger BBDO where she was responsible for leading the internal production offering, Clemenger Studios—her time there involved working with high-profile clients Swisse, Myer, AFL, BMW and NAB.

Prior to that, Langley was EP at Vice Australia, where she produced both editorial and branded content for clients including Air New Zealand, CUB, Maxibon, Durex, TAC and eBay. In total, Langley brings over 10 years of film and production experience to the role.

Says Langley: “I’ve long admired Truce, so I am thrilled to be joining this ambitious and talented team. It’s an exciting time for the company and I can’t wait to hit the ground running.”

Says Michael Ciccone, head of production, Truce: “Langers’ contributions will be invaluable as we continue to elevate our craft and strengthen our roster of directors with the best support possible. Put simply she is a lovely human being and an absolute weapon producer. We feel extremely lucky to have her.”

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